Correspondence from Jean Sihvonen to Grady McMurtry






[28 March 1958]



I was glad to hear from you. I have often thought of you folks and wondered how you were getting on.


Yes, Sascha [Sascha Germer] seems to maneuver the purse string.


Sascha has done a good job of turning away true aspirants and halted the work. She wants him [Karl Germer] all for herself and now it seems she has him.


Karl has dropped me, which is difficult to understand after I had given as much of myself to the Work in the past as I could. I have never done anything to hurt him or done anything against the work. I do know he was resentful when I asked him and Mark [Marcelo Motta] to leave our house.


I am still very much in accord with the Work, but shall work alone. If things straighten out and Thelema promulgated as it should be, I will be the first to help in any way I can. I will be the first to help Karl.


[Karl] was supposed to call a Council of Eleven after A.C.'s death, which was not done. Consequently, he has slowly isolated himself from everyone. [It] is difficult to write about such matters. None of us can see the why or wherefore—only time will give us the answers. I do wish we could all meet and exchange impressions. This is the healthy way. If there were a Council, such things could be ironed out in a constructive way. . . . too many people are unjustly accused, and sentenced without a trial, and all because of one woman, who it appears has quite a bit of power.


Things seem to be shaping up now, however. The Gods never sleep. When the time is ripe, all things will fall into place. [I have] found a peace and understanding I never thought was possible. Also a freedom of spirit I never had before. I seem to be unfolding, as though I were emerging from a cocoon.


