Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Philip Kaplan




Forthampton Court,




Tewkesbury 2125.



18 Apr 58



Dear Kaplan.


What good news: Lund [Robert Lund] also wrote to tell me that he had decided to let you have them. Would you let me buy from you—or exchange for duplicate typescripts and ephemera of mine—one of the four copies of the proofs for Alexandra?


Have the five parts of The Argonauts separate title pages, so that I, ought to include them in my bibliography?


In the MS of the Bagh-i-Muattar, could you tell me where Crowley's name appears in code in the printed edition.


Could you possibly bring over the first of the note-books which form the MS of the Vision and the Voice, so that I can collate it with the printed version in The Equinox.


In your copy of Amphora 'for the Authoress and her Intimates [sic]', if you turn to the last poem, you will find a concealed anagram by reading downwards the first letter of each line, then back to the beginning and the first letter of the last word in each line.


I shall be up in London for the first week in May, and will stay over for the 7th, keeping the whole day free for you, so that I can show you my Crowley collection.


Many congratulations. You have got a big bargain.


My London address is 5 Montagu Square. Telephone Welbeck 6709. But if you tell me the name of the hotel, I will ring you there on the 6th.




Gerald Yorke


