Correspondence from Karl Germer to Brother Williams
West Point, Calif. Box 258
June 24, 1958.
Dear Brother Williams:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yours of June 17th. You are mistaken about the Zürich group; they are printing translations in German, not French. Only one woman in the group can read English. To give you an idea, I am sending you herewith a sample, one of their first publications which was Liber AL vel Legis, printed, as directed both in German and in the original English. All other publications are only in German.
I might add that there was an old prediction that A.C.'s recognition in the world would come first from Germany. I made the first printed publication of a number of his books in Germany in 1925; there were followed later by eleven small books; then came Hitler and the work was stopped. The Zürich group began anew in a proper way in 1924.
As to your notes on the Secret Chiefs, and that They not be working on or for this planet alone. (In fact, I believe, that is Their territory!) I must confess that the reading of OHASPE has given me a lot of ideas on the workings on higher planes. I admit that at present this book is exploited by despicable charlatans (the so-called "Faithists" group).
Again I disagree with you on the role A.C. had to play. The point to remember is that he had learned to be silent on all his experiences, knowledge, contact, with higher planes. He hinted at it occasionally; much is hidden by secret cypher in the Holy Books; but that is for each one individually to discover for himself. It doesn't matter anyway. All we have to do in this world is the infinitesimal little that They ask us to do. All philosophizing, speculating, is evil. When there is some bigger job to be done, They pull you up by the collar and tell you what it is.
I wonder where you stumbled on 1959 through 1961 and 1973 as exciting years? It agrees with what I think.
Saturn: I suppose you know that my motto for the uninitiated is Saturnus, which is a misspelling., I cannot follow you on your observations, I will only say that I always connected "green" with Saturn. You should also know that I am not of the traditional type of occultist; I am 'blind' in a peculiar way; I have never studied the Qabalah, the Tree of Life, "777", Magick, or what have you. I cannot practice rising on the planes in the technical sense. In fact, I seem to be set apart. A.C. saw this when he met me in 1925. And yet . . . !
You have, of course, the new "777" edition. But even this is quite incomplete. In 1925 A.C. planned an elaborate edition, large folio size, with about 100 plates in colour. This will be for future magicians to follow out from the plates and designs I have here in the archives. May-be some day you will be free to visit here for a while and study. You could see many things.
Love is the law, love under will.