Correspondence from Karl Germer to Philip Kaplan
West Point, Calif.
Sept. 17, 1958.
Dear Philip:
Yours of Sept 10.
I'll begin with Notes on the Equinox and enclose those on Vol. 1 (in 2 versions), one is marked (7a) 4, 5, 6, 7.
Please return the item 67a, as it is the only one I have.
I will make ready a parcel of more in a day or so. I think the only fairly safe way to send is by parcel post, Insured.
Confessions Vol. 3, I expect you will get from Robb [Norman Robb] who had made the copies we have.
Confessions 4, 5, 6, 7 exist only in one copy so far, and I must be very sure that they will not get lost. Can you get them copied if I send you one at a time? and if so, could you get several sets made, I will gladly help paying. I have no facilities where I could have a girl working under my eyes, more or less.
Tao Teh King, I can loan a copy.
At the moment of this writing I have not yet received the books (Bagh-i-Muattar, etc.) I very much hope I'll find them when I drive to the Post Office now.