Correspondence from Philip Kaplan to Gerald Yorke
Sept. 23rd 1958
Dear Yorke:
Forgive me for not writing to you sooner there were so many problems to be solved and they all took time.
First, there was the problem with Karl [Karl Germer] he was peeved because I had neglected to write to him about our meeting and a few other items all pertaining to Crowley. I had to explain to him that I had other interests in life and that eventually I would have gotten to him.
As you probably know Karl is most reasonable and I of course am very grateful for his help. I sent him a gift of some books that he did not have and then sold him a half doz. of the rare ones like the Bagh [Bagh-i-Muattar], White-stains, Amphora etc all at a price that he could most afford.
In the mean-time I had gotten the list of books that Lund [Robert Lund] had and would not sell. Here are the title that he has kept for himself:
Collected Works, 3 volume Vellum Ed. No notes in A.C.'s hand.
John St. John, Original 3 notebooks in Crowley's hand, with many notes not in the printed version.
Book of Lies, Original Ms. same version as printed ed. no additional notes.
Lines to a Young Lady Violinist and Energized Enthusiasm same version as printed in the Equinox, no notes.
Book of Goetia, Vellum ed., no notes.
Sword of Song, Original Mss in several versions. This is the most important book of the lot because of the variations.
Lund has assured me that I will get first chance at the books if he changes his mind and agrees to sell. In the meantime I can tell you it is most frustrating trying to keep calm about the whole thing.
Karl did loan me the "Comment on the Book of Lies" and also A.C.'s commentary on the various Equinox numbers, both are extremely interesting to me. I am getting closer to understanding many of the obscure passages in A.C.'s work.
I sent Karl some tracings with notes that I made from my copy of the Sword. Tracing the notes in their correct position was my idea, they could have been typed just as well. I asked Karl to send you these notes when he is thru, if he does not send them to you soon I'll make a new set for you. Thanks for your patience.