Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to Jean Sihvonen
[6 December 1958]
Montenegro [Gabriel Montenegro] is back in town and called me the other day to get back together. I don't know exactly what to make of Monty, except that it will be impossible to work with him on anything of a private nature. He seems to have a very strange attitude toward Karl [Karl Germer]. On the one hand he insists that Sascha [Sascha Germer] dominates Karl and is only waiting until Karl dies so she can copy the unpublished books and letters, presumably for publication. On the other hand he insists that Karl is the head of the Order and must be kept fully informed on every move anyone makes. It seems to me that there is a clear contradiction here. If Sascha really does dominate Karl, then Sascha has become the de facto head of the Order, and informing him of what we have in mind would simply give Sascha something to twist and poison his mind with. [I think Monty] is a good sort in many ways, but any dealings we have with him will have to be on a public level.