Correspondence from Jean Sihvonen to Grady McMurtry





[10 December 1958]



He [Gabriel Montenegro] is most inconsistent. If Karl [Karl Germer] is under Sascha's [Sascha Germer] influence to that extent, which certainly appears to be the case, then we would be putting obstacles in our way by keeping Karl informed. She [Sascha] could attempt to counteract every action on our part. I think we should keep mum until we get something accomplished and then confront Karl in a body as we mentioned previously. If Monty feels that way—the less said to him the better at this point. It is not a case of taking any authority away from Karl. When we are ready, we should see him and present our plans and give him a chance to go along with us. I am sure none of us has any intention of trying to over-throw Karl.


