Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Philip Kaplan




5, Montagu Square,


Welbeck 6709.



11 Dec 58



Dear Kaplan.


Your 30 Nov. Many thanks, I return the cutting. I enclose copy of that part of the galley proofs of Confessions [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] vol 3 relating to the Bagh-i-Muattar, which is in my collection. My copy of the German translation of this volume is still with Metzker [Hermann Metzger] in Switzerland. He has been copying it for some 3 years now.


I only have A.C.'s marginal notes to vols and 9 of the Equinox. Let me know which of these you would like me to copy the notes from. I think you already have them from Karl [Karl Germer].


Would it not be simpler to borrow the four typescript volumes of the unpublished part of the Confessions (i.e. vol 4 to 6 of the contemplated book) than for me to post them to you?


The MSS you mention which forms part of The Temple of Solomon the King was sold at Sotheby's last year for about a quarter of what the bookseller is now asking. I collated it with the published version and there were no variants. I did not bid for it.


Re Confessions, only 6 survive in typescript, all that were written.




Gerald Yorke


