Correspondence from Jean Sihvonen to Grady McMurtry





[9 January 1959]



It would appear from A.C.'s letters that you were the one he had in mind to carry on after the oldster's [Karl Germer] death. You are the logical one to teach and the one to handle administrative affairs. I note in every instance that A.C. gave you some authority but always dependent upon Karl's okay. Yes, we all agree that Karl is at present Head of the Order and none of us wishes to usurp his position. However, I do believe that if we want to see some action and he will not give any, that we have every right to do something. As you will recall, we decided that when we have something concrete, we will contact him and invite him to go along with us. . . . in the past he [Karl] seems to have branded as 'traitor' anyone who wished to do anything and anyone who had progressive ideas.


I may be wrong, but from all the evidence I have, I have been inclined to believe that Sascha [Sascha Germer] did what she did for the Order . . . because she knew it was the only way to hang onto Karl. [In the process of doing this] she has managed to turn him against everyone in the Order. Is that being a high member and loyal to Thelema? She has instilled suspicion in his mind about everyone who she thinks is threatening her relationship with him.  You have one in your own camp.


