Correspondence from Karl Germer to Philip Kaplan
West Point, Calif. Box 173
Nov. 28, 1959.
Dear Philip:
Thanks very much for the photos covering differences in John St. John and Energized Enthusiasm. As to the latter (2 pages) I am unable as yet to make out its meaning or where it fits into your manuscript or into the printed version. Maybe when you have the time, you could tell me more about it.
As to John St. John, it is all very interesting, especially the fact that A.C. seems to have printed it almost without any corrections or omissions.
One thing I might point out to you, that the details of the various Tarot divinations (pp. 15, 16, 17) are very well left out in the printed book; they are not important in my opinion.
The poem on pages 20, 21, 22, are printed in THE WINGED BEETLE, under the title "The Two Secrets", pp. 45, 46. In the Table of Contents of the book, you will find the poem dedicated to Mary Waska. (In John St. John, p. 15, she is called Maryt Waska.
I shall, as you ask me, send these photos on to Yorke [Gerald Yorke], though I should have liked to have had a set. If I had a Verifax, which I may yet buy some day, I would have made several sets of copies; this is a wonderfully simple system, and I always wanted to buy a machine. They cost $300, and if I run into some cash I'm yet going to buy one and then make copies of typescripts of which we have only one set, such as the last 4 volumes of the Confessions [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley].
I am looking forward to the Sword of Song, if you make any photos at all.
I was sorry to hear that you have had troubles in your affairs. And I wish they'll pass by soon. However, quite generally speaking, we all are in a phase of upheaval (can't find a better word at the moment), and can't know where it leads to. I wished that so-called "Summit Meeting" would take place before something untoward occurs.
With my best wishes,
P.S. I should never have sent that blasted letter about Weiser off to you. I was quite confused. I'll wait a week or so, may-be I can approach them then with a definite proposal. I'm expecting some cash.