Correspondence from Phyllis Seckler to Karl Germer
18862 Casa Blanca Saratoga, Calif.
Jan. 1, 1961
Dear Karl
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I looked through all Jane's [Jane Wolfe] papers to find the Banishing Ritual you asked for. All that came up was the enclosed copy of A.C.'s notes on it. I really looked with a fine tooth comb, too. As a result, I have been wandering around in the past. Some of the correspondence here and there took my eye. Well it was a great show while it lasted. Wish I had time to write a book on Jane.
Financial matters are gradually improving with us. With my tongue in cheek and a large hope that this can be kept up—I enclose $5.00 to take care of some of the incidental work of H.Q. Stamps and envelopes and all that. My hope is to increase this sum when we finally struggle out from the mountains of debt. But it is a hope! Now if we don't get a landslide of other Dr. or hospital bills or what not we will be lucky indeed.
I feel too much is left unsaid over the past 3 or 4 years but there is nothing I can do. You complain in your letters about how things disappear but I have seen you mislay things under my very eyes and not know where they are.
Once when there with Bill [Ward] you asked me three times if I had returned a book I was reading. Each time I indicated to you just where it was and each time you forgot, and went on worrying about it. I strongly suspect that you send forms to various people with no note on whom or where or what was sent. Or if you make notes, you probably forget where the note is.
But you see, all this is a ticklish subject. You have it in your mind that certain Govt. depts. are responsible. I listen to you in sympathy but in my head I think that Karl is getting forgetful and is the unfortunate victim of a persecution complex. Then I try to figure why the High Gods have made him so and whether it must be that way because it is perhaps more of a safeguard to the books he is caring for. All this races through my mind as you complain of spies. At the same time I know that if I protest Karl will only lengthen and broaden his state of mind to include me. For such is the nature of neurosis with which you are inflicted. Everyone must be suspected. I fear this has done a great deal to your various contacts with aspirants and perhaps all kinds of people. Perhaps it must be so, who knows?
Now you see, a heavy burden is off my mind and I have also hit a barrier which lies between me and the only other true Thelemite which I know. I hope that this letter does not raise the barrier higher in action of self-defense on your part.
Love is the law, love under will.
P.S. There may be a missing part in Magick [Magick in Theory and Practice] for I was always taught to do it this way. 1. Touching the forehead say Ateh (Unto Thee) ii. Touching the solar plexus say Aiwass iii. Touching the genital region say Malkuth
All else is the same.