Correspondence from Karl Germer to Phyllis Seckler
West Point, Calif. Box 173
Jan. 3, 1961
Dear Phyllis,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thanks for your letter (and enclosure!) and the trouble you took. What you sent me is not what I am looking for, that I have. It is a re-arrangement of the ritual itself.
I am glad to hear that finances are improving, at your end, anyway. I join my best wished to your hope. Is it that Bill [Ward] has now permanent contracts for his product?
As to forgetfulness, you are right; despite an extraordinary memory A.C. in respect to loan of books, MSS., TSS. etc. had the same failing. I see a spiritual basis for this. About your further criticism, I cannot blame you. You have evidently not gone through experiences such as LXV, II, vv. 4-6. A.C. had. Jack Parsons had some experience. McMurtry [Grady McMurtry] had a brush with them, yielded, and sold himself. Neither have you been a trained Freemason into higher grades. The very basis of their doctrine-training demands some mastery. So does the O.T.O.—but where, outside of Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith], was or is there anybody who has experience? So let's forget it.
No, dear Phyllis, you could not possibly raise a barrier against me. Not now! Not as long as you keep your true aspiration aflame. The way I see it, you have mundane work cut out for yourself before your H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel], who hides under the name of Asar (Azar) will arrange your outer life in such a way that you can devote yourself exclusively to Thelemic work.
Love is the law, love under will.