Correspondence from Frances Brewer to Philip Kaplan




The Detroit Public Library

5201 Woodward Avenue

Detroit 2


Fairmont 1-0370



Phillip Kaplan

47 - 17 39th Ave.

New York 4, New York



June 13, 1961



Dear Mr. Kaplan:


You may remember that we corresponded about some Cabell [James Branch Cabell] letters in your possession. Some years ago I received your name through the intervention of Bob Lund [Robert Lund], in connection with the Crowley material discovered in Detroit. You probably know that Crowley was in Detroit around 1918 and had a great following here. The other day we discovered in this Library a Crowley item which was apparently given to us by one of the Detroit followers. Since this Library has no intentions of collecting Sir Aleister Crowley, we wonder whether we could trade or sell this book for something which would be more useful to this institution. Following is the description of the book:

The Equinox of the Gods. September 1936. Subscribers Edition, 137 + 1 pages, with an errata leaf inserted between the flyleaf and the frontispiece. Four pages with colored illustrations and two poems, both paraphrases upon the references of the Stele. With this is bound a typewritten copy of Liber Thirty-one. A note states that "this manuscript was not delivered on the date originally intended, but held until September 5, 1919 when it was mailed to Therion from Detroit. . . ." This typescript contains 36 pages and preliminary matter. At the end is a "Statement of the author, March 13, 1948, stating that Charles Stansfeld Jones (Frater Achad, British Columbia) is the author of the preceding." In addition to this, the book contains in a pocket the following facsimile reproduction of the manuscript of Al (Liber Legis) The Book of the Law, sub figura xxxi, as delivered by 93—AIWASS—418 to Ankh-f-n-khonsu, The Priest of the Princes who is 666. All this bound together in boards.

We would be grateful for your advice and suggestion as to the disposition of this material.


Sincerely yours,


(Mrs.) Frances J. Brewer, Chief

Gifts and Rare Books Division


