Correspondence from Karl Germer to Phylis Seckler




West Point, Calif.



May 25, 1962



Dear Phyllis,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


My deepest sympathy for your accident. Be glad it was not a real fracture. Sascha [Sascha Germer] had this some years ago when she broke the wrist. I suppose you had great pain, but it is surprising that you could go so quickly to school again, even drive!


Ero [Ero Sihvonen]: yes, Jean [Jean Sihvonen] has been his vampire in the same sense that is shown in chapter 100 of Liber Aleph. I freed him once, he broke, they divorced; but he fell back under her spell. The usual thing.


I think it is a good thing for Bickie [Phyllis Seckler's son] to memorize AL. I suppose you have given him the necessary perspective, so that he grasps the conceptions of Nuit and Hadit. As against the Christian heresy or parochialism of the vision of the Universe. Briefly: there are (progressing) egocentric, geocentric, solarcentric, galactocentric, visions of the Universe. And then beyond our tremendously huge knowledge of our (relatively) small galaxy, the conception of the millions or billions of galaxies in space as known now by out modern astrophysics.


Christianity is Christocentric; it sees Jesus, at best as one local Yogi, as the focal point in the Universe around who the Universe has to turn; it still clings to the view that the Earth is 6,000 years old, with the Jewish Bible record as the only tradition, while Hindus, Chinese, Egyptians etc. go far beyond that in time; and modern science takes the age of the Sun and Earth and the solar system as at least 4 billion years, probably 6. Man has lived on this planet for over 1 million years. That is why the church has always fought and hated and persecuted Science. In short: Christianity is a ridiculously parochial religion, to-day suited to the minds of the lowest tribes.


I was lucky to grow up in a circle of my older brothers who, at the University, studied math, physics, biology, etc., etc., all hostile to Christian teachings or conceptions. In the U.S.A. it is still tabu to express enlightened views on the subject. So Bickie would be well advised to open his mind, but keep silent, especially when he should go into the Army, where Free Thought is not tolerated.


Beatific vision: some of your recent letters made me think that you were experiencing a sort of its lower forms—quite natural for you as the born artist soul. Remember, there are many stages of this.


Thanks for writing me—with your left hand—I envy you that you can do it, and mine and Sascha 's best wishes for your complete recovery.


Love is the law, love under will.






