Correspondence from Phyllis Seckler to Marcelo Motta




18862 Casa Blanca Lane

Saratoga, California



January 6, 1963



Dear Marcello,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


By now the Xmas fever in the malls must be abated and you have probably received my last two letters of Nov. 20 and Dec. 9, 1962. Please let me know on which date you received these. Also, I sent the copy of the facsimile writing of Liber AL and this was registered and properly sealed and stamped. But this was not sent airmail, and the post office man said it should take a month or two from the date sent—Dec. 9. So allow 2 weeks over that for the delays in the Xmas mail and you should receive it by March 1, I should think.


I am surprised that you would dare to print AL, but that is your lookout!


Now, in case those letters I sent you were intercepted???? I shall answer your doubts.


Yes, Karl [Karl Germer] did die on Oct. 25, 1962. It is no trick. Further, Karl could not play an "A.C. trick," since he was Karl and not A.C. WHY must some people still be enamored of the personal side of A.C.? The side A.C. himself liked to term "the demon Crowley?" Karl knew better than that, I assure you.


Further, I had to laugh when you thought I might have gone insane. Nothing could be funnier or farther from my modus operandi. If anything, I have too much common sense and intelligence, and my feet have always been firmly anchored to the ground.


Now then, in the upset over Karl's death, Sascha [Sascha Germer] said many things to me which led me to believe you were named in the will, as my first two letters to you stated. Then after that she found the will and I tried to straighten out my statements to you in my 3rd letter of Dec. 9. After this, I shall try not to quote her as she is a thorough artist, and was not built with a concise and accurate memory on some matters. This I discovered through the long conversations I had with her. I have not seen her letters to you, although she states she has written before Dec. 9 or at least thereabouts. Nor do I know any more about Karl's will, since Sascha has been highly incensed at me since the letter of Nov. 20 when I mentioned neuroses. She also, as did Karl, misplaces letters or other documents and then is quite bitter about what "they" have taken this time. And all the time the object in question is perhaps in a different place in the files. Karl supposedly lost a letter written to me on March 17, 1962, and wrote it down carefully that it was lost. What actually happened was that the carbon was reversed and so made an impression on the back of the letter which he sent to me, and therefore e had no copy. So you see, here is a part explanation about some of his "attacks." Oh, Marcello, do be careful to explore every sensible explanation before you dream up a magickal attack! How you could hurt Thelema by carelessness in such matters!


But enough, it has been a busy day.


Love is the law, love under will.






