Correspondence from Marcelo Motta to Sascha Germer




Marcelo Ramos Motta

Caiza Postal 15-09

Tijuca, Z0-09

Rio de Janeiro, OB




30 August 1963



Dear Sascha:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I am writing you once again, despite your prolonged, obstinate and silly silence, to give you some news that should cheer you considerably, since they show how your suspicions and doubts of myself have paid out—to our enemies.


Schlag [Oscar Schlag] and Co. have deluged Brasil with a qliphotic, ridiculous thing called "Universal Christian Gnostic Movement", which is trying the same old trick of selling an "Incarnation of the Lord Maitreya" to the public that was already tried, by the self-same loathsome group, with Krishnamurti. Only, this time, not having Krishnamurti, who had, after all, a great deal of character (it isn't easy to deny publicly that you are the World Teacher before an assembly of people who are cheering you as such), they settled for a shall obsessed by Satan (the Prince of the Evil of this World cursed in AL under the name of "Jesus"), which lives (so it is said) in Mexico, and attends by the dog-tag of "Sazael Aun Weor". The funny thing is that the "Aun Weor" part of the name is familiar to me; I think that, many years ago, Parsival Krumm-Heller [Arnold Krumm-Heller] gave me some material on this individual to read, and told me he was a member of a Black Magic gang; I think so; but I had completely forgotten the guy and the movement in question. As, for that matter, I had forgotten the one and only reference to Schlag that Karl [Karl Germer] ever made to me.


The serious thing about all this is: their loathsome literature includes the statement that their word, or law, is "Thelema". Upon examination, you find (at least, I found) that the literature in question is a highly ingenious, carefully distorted, subtly diabolic mock-up of true occultism. with false keys tending to lead the unwary into the Qliphoth, or at least the Qliphoth of Malkuth, whose Queen, Lilith, is adored by Roman Catholics as the "Virgin Mary".


I tend to believe that the people behind this are Jesuit priests. The whole thing is too ridiculous to be taken seriously by anybody in his or her sound mind. Among other things, they say that their holy book is the Bible; yet, their version of "sex-magic" is the Sin of Onan—precisely one of those sternly and emphatically condemned by Moses (Jehovah) in the Old Testament. And, to my mind at least, a practice fully diabolical.


 It is, therefore, a gigantic hoax—its sole intention to discredit us, specially by the use of the word Thelema. However, it is possible that the leaders are dupes—quite probably, in fact—of the Black Brothers.


This does not matter. The Four Princes are submitted to the Adept—and therefore this will be allowed to go on only insofar as it may further the Future of the Word of the Aeon; and the outcast and the unfit shall fully experience the fate predicted for them in AL II, 21. And as for Choronzon, Restriction by unto him in the Name of BABALON. Therefore—to hell with them.


But there are a few aspects of the story on which it is good to touch. If you read my letters to Karl, as you should, you may know that when Schlag was here he succeeded in getting me to autograph his copy of Liber Aleph, and that he took two pictures of me. This autograph has very little value as long as my work for Thelema in Brasil is not associated with the name of Marcelo Ramos Motta, which is one good reason why I have refrained up to now from letting my name by publicly connected with it. But Schlag may use it with Thelemites to indicate how much I love and admire him. Being obsessed at the time, I was silly enough to write : "To Oskar Schlag, with sympathy and admiration"—a dedicatory by A.C. in my own copy of Magic [Magick in Theory and Practice]. I signed, however, simply Marcelo Ramos Motta, and certainly gave Schlag no titles of any kind, though he did his best to convince me that he deserved, at the very least, the number 365! ! ! So, therefore, if title of Schlag, or titles of myself, are now present in this autograph, they were added afterwards. The Jesuits are excellent liars, as they could not help being, dogs of Reason that they are.


As for the photographs, they are being put to a twofold use: a) they are being used as magic links (in the manner of witch dolls) to direct malignant currents against me and b) they are being doctored so that I will appear dressed up in vestments which will vary according to the need; either the vestments of serious orders to which I have no right, not having been initiated in them, which will naturally be shown to members of such orders to prejudice them against me should I at any time approach them or the vestments will be those of Schlag's own spurious orders and organizations, with the purpose of arousing suspicion and distrust of me among Thelemites. Karl once told me that something of the kind had been done with A.C.


I allowed this thing of the photographs, and I was certainly to blame in the matter of the autograph; but if I had received, as I was entitled to, a thorough briefing by Karl on the activities of groups such as this, all this kind of thing would have quite probably have been avoided. I wish you to consult your own conscience in this matter, Sascha, in the light of your whole attitude towards me in the past, and to ask yourself if your present behaviour is either that of a sister in the Gnosis, or of a true Thelemite, when it is question of dealing with me.


I know fully well the kind of impact those demonic questions can have; I know the murderous power of such currents; I repeat once more. I do not hold the past against you; but neither should you hold the past against me. I am not now the person I was then; and you yourself should not be. You know what your husband begged you should communicate to me on his deathbed: his recognition that I am the "Follower", as you put it in your letter; and he asked you, he wanted you to be the one to communicate it personally, as an admission of hierarchic discipline on your part; certainly not of personal subservience at all! . . . He hoped to see us work together, as I had predicted to him (certainly you did not miss that letter!) that this could very well not be.


I rejected your letter of warning to me, not because I disregarded it, or thought your inspirations without value; much to the contrary. But I choose to learn by my mistakes, rather than go unscathed, but ignorant, by the warnings of others. I repeat to you that my success is my proof; and the fact that I am still able, almost one year after Karl's death, to write you a clear and sensible letter, despite all the opposition I have deliberately aroused from all quarters, not only among enemies, but even among friends, should be sufficient evidence to you that Ra-Hoor-Khuit is with me. I should now be insane or dead, had it been otherwise.


I am penniless at the moment, and for this reason only have I not sent you yet the promised three hundred dollars. Since my last letter to you, I have been waiting for a person to return to Brasil from the U.S. This person promised me a job that should pay very well; in which case I will immediately start sending you money to help you pay your bills and support yourself. This whole situation should define itself from October on. Please try not to take this as evidence of personal subservience or desire to fain upon you. I have reason to believe the malignant currents should like to see you dead, and this is reason enough for me to want to help you live as long as you will.


I no longer have any money from any inheritance, the payments have expired; the last one was in February of this year. So try to understand that it is not by ill will on my part that I have not sent you help/


But I do not think you are wanting, for 666 takes care of his own. He pampers nobody, though; as you well know! . . .


I urge you once more to dismiss your suspicions of me. They are utterly unfounded, and fruit of demonic instigations. You say your Angel is with you; if this entity warns you against me, it is no angel, but a demon; send it away. Tell it Bahlisti! Ompehda!—and see it whither and howl. I am a true servant of the One True God; yea and to the Star and the Snake, also!


I urge you also to write to me clearly as to Karl's dispositions as to the O.T.O. and the Order hid under the name of Thelema. I want to know who is the O.H.O. [Outer Head of the Order]. If it is you, I will bow to you as a brother of the IX°, which I am; if it is anybody else, you do not need to name him or her, just tell me so, and please inform the O.H.O. that I, A., of the AA, Zelator, and of Thelema, Man of Earth, solicit a charter to do official O.T.O. work in Brasil, and claim, if there are not brethren here (I think there may be) with better right, the title of King for Brasil.


I say I am a Brother of the IX°; you will find Karl's copy of my Oath of the Grade in the archives.


If Karl left no dispositions as to the Order of Thelemites, I claim title as Head; it being up to all Zelators in good standing alive to vote upon my claim. Remember that I never knew that the Order existed and thought I was creating it myself, until Karl sent me the Constitution; and I then perceived that the relationship there stated by The Beast Himself as being the one between Himself and the Head was the one I had felt since my Neophyte initiation as being the one between Him and myself. You will find the record of this in my letters to Karl, also. And it is in my diaries.


I will accept anybody as O.H.O. of the O.T.O. that Karl designated as such on his deathbed, even the Swiss King; although I do not think he has been behaving as a true Thelemite, and that he has been incurring in some serious blasphemies, I will accept him and obey him, if that was Karl's will. But from Karl's letters to me, I doubt if it was. Frankly, I hope it is somebody else, for the O.T.O.'s own sake.


As to the Order of Illuminates, that is not, and need not be, my concern. I have sufficient evidence of that it is well guided. . . . In relation to it I claim nothing, and merely offer my fraternal greetings and good will. Karl's dispositions as to it should be more than enough.


But I must know all you can tell me, and I am sure you can tell me something, about Schlag and his activities and connections, and about this "Aun Weor". I mean his real, not assumed name; his name of baptism; and the names also of anybody else connected with this. Also, I must know if the present Grand Master of the Great Lodge of England, whose name is Oxley, if I am not mistaken, is an honest mason or a traitor or puppet of Schlag and Co. Also, I must know if a certain Dr. Adoum, who wrote a lot in Brazil was a true or false initiate. All this I must know if I am to work well here; and who will think to tell me, if you and my brethren in Thelema don't?


I beseech you, once more, to write me, and that speedily! Enough time has been lost. This is unseemly, this bickering and suspicion among us, in the face of the enemy.


Love is the law, love under will.




