Correspondence from Philip Kaplan to Roger C. Staples





Sept 15 1964



Dear Roger:


Glad to hear from you. I assume that your visit with Yorke [Gerald Yorke] was a success, but—nary a word about it in your letter, how come?


Lew Feldman would not give me or you any information on anything. If he has any MSS of Crowleys Texas would know it.


So you are still looking for MSS, well I have the following hunch. I think that the Storage Co. had Crowley's books strewn all over the place and that Lund [Robert Lund] left a few of them slip out of his hands. Detroit was a fertile area for AC's activities and . . . Quote from Karl Germer's letter to me "In one way I was disappointed by the list. Crowley left England in 1914, he instructed one of his members of the OTO to ship them early in 1915. I would have expected the books of a greater variety, etc."


Somewhere in Yorke's archives he has the original bills from the binders. Check these and see what was bound by 1914.


Get in touch with Mrs. Brewer, Chief Gifts and Rare Book Division, Detroit Public Library. She was the one that told Lund all about Crowley.


I think Karl Germer in one of his letters to me said that he had the original MSS of The World's Tragedy. I'll try to find it.


What rare Crowley dish are you cooking up with the chap from Oxford? Did you see AC's menus among the letters I sold? They were real dillies.


In the words of Crowley, keep me informed.


Best wishes,


