Correspondence from Roger C. Staples to Philip Kaplan
Eastern Michigan University Department of English Language and Literature Ypsilanti, Michigan
September 7th, 1964 102° F.
Dear Mr. Kaplan,
I am sorry that I didn't get a chance to come out to see you on our way back from England; My wife and I were so tired that we simply went on from NY to Syracuse, where we slept for it seems a day with David and Barbara (Hoas), before going back to Michigan.
I'm down in Austin using your collection, which reposes in 70° F. luxury in the Academic Center Library with MSS by Conrad, Hemmingway, et. al. I enclose a sample of what one must sign in order to see it. They make quite a production out of it, and they won't let me microfilm any of it——only parts, which means that I must find a friend to request films of other parts, etc., etc.
Still on the loose are MSS of the following:
1) Ambergris (a selection) 3) An Appeal to the American People [An Appeal to the American Republic] 4) Jezebel 7) The Temple of the Holy Ghost 9) Rose Poems 3-4 wks 10) Snowdrops [Snowdrops from a Curate's Garden] (your MS had only the "introduction") 11) Soul of Osiris (perhaps part of Temple of Holy Ghost) 11) 2) Good Sir Palamedes 13) White Stains 14) Why Jesus Wept 15) and The World's Tragedy
I wonder if you could ask your friend Lew David, if he's chanced upon any of these, and is so, where it went. You know that I'm a serious student, not a gaper. It took him eleven months to answer my last letter, by which time I had contacted Texas already. I should like to see them.
I'll have a more fluent and more readable letter for you immediately I return to my typewriter from this hell-hole. Dante never had it so hot!
Yours hastily but with good wishes
P.S. A chap from Oxford and I are editing a selection of A.C. More about this after I've heard from you.