- The Stranger
- The Despair of the Old Woman
- The Artist’s Confession
- The Double Room
- Everyone has His Chimera
- The Court Fool and the Venus
- The Dog and the Flask
- The Bad Glazier
- One O’Clock in the Morning
- The Wild Woman and the Spoilt Darling
- Crowds
- Widows
- The Old Mountebank
- The Cake
- The Clock
- A World in a Mane
- Will You Come with Me?
- The Poor Man’s Toy
- The Fairy Gifts
- The Temptations; or Love, Riches and
- The Twilight of Even
- Solitude
- Plans
- Beautiful Dorothy
- Poor Folks’ Eyes
- An Heroic Death
- Base Coinage
- The Generous Gamester
- The Rope
- The Joys of the Soul
- The Thyrsus
- Intoxicate Yourself
- Already!
- Windows
- The Desire of Painting
- The Moon’s Gift
- Which is the True One?
- Thoroughbred
- The Mirror
- The Harbor
- Portraits of Mistresses
- The Polite Gunner
- The Soup and the Clouds
- The Cemetery and the Shooting-Gallery
- A lost Halo
- Miss Bistouri
- Anywhere, Anywhere Out of the World
- Death to the Poor!
- In Praise of Good Dogs
- Epilogue |