


Tipped in as a frontispiece is a photogravure of Crowley, captioned New York, 1906.


Published Date:

circa March 1910.


Elkin Matthews, Vigo Street.


Strangeways Printers, Great Tower Street, Cambridge Circus, W. C.

Published At:

London, England.


viii + 198 + 2 pages of advertisements.


Priced at three  shillings and sixpence.


Unknown number of copies printed on laid paper and bound in brown boards.


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From The Tale of Archais

- Song

- In Hollow Stones, Scawfell


From Songs of the Spirit

- The Goad

- Astrology


From Jephthah

- Chorus of Maidens

From ‘Mysteries’

- De Profundis

- Beside the River

- Perdurabo

- In the Woods with Shelley

From ‘The Fatal Force’

- Chorus

- Chorus

- Chorus


From ‘The Temple of the Holy Ghost’ (The Mother's Tragedy)

- The May Queen

- The Reaper

- The Palace of the World

- The Rosicrucian

- The Athanor

- A Death in Thessaly


From Tannhäuser

- Shepherd Boys

- Tannhäuser’s Song


From Oracles

- The Hermit’s Hymn to Solitude

- On Waikiki Beach


From Alice: an Adultery

- Margaret

- Red Poppy

- Alice


From The Argonauts

- Chorus of Shipbuillders

- At Waikiki

- The Harbour

- Vera Cruz

- The Song of the Siren Leucosia

- Hong Kong Harbour

- At Prome


From The Star and the Garter

- Song

- Song


Rosa Mundi


Other Love Songs

- Dora

- Norah

- Edith

- Rose

- Eileen

- Helene


From Gargoyles

- Song

- Said

- Prayer

- The King-Ghost


From Rodin in Rime

- Tete de femme (musee du Luxembourg)

- Reveil d’Adonis

- Acrobates

- Faunesse

- Balzac


From Orpheus

- The Hours

- Autumn

- Invocation of Hecate

- The Regaining of Eurydice

- The Maenads Invoke Dionysus

- Orpheus Invokes the Lords of Khem

- The Star-Goddess Sings of Orpheus Dead





