Correspondence from Gabriel Montenegro Vargas to Günther Naber[1]





Dr. Gabriel Montenegro

Post Office Box 76

Daly City, California 94016



17 March 1968



Care Fr Beatus,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


The Greetings of the Vernal Equinox!


Thank you for your letter. I would say it was much too short. Under separate cover, and by surface mail, I am sending you the copy of The Equinox of the Gods I promised you. It is in the original printing, but not in the original binding. The original was bound in one volume, with the facsimile of Liber Legis inside a jacket attached to the back cover. As I understand it, several copies of the subject matter and Liber Legis were left over, having been bound in the manner as the one I am sending you, by Karl Germer. I hope you will like it. Copies of this important Thelemic Book are rare and not to be found anywhere. If there have been other works since Über die Selbstkenntnis published at Zürich, I would appreciate it if you would let me know and/or send me a copy.


Thank you for sending me the address of Fra. Albertus. Will drop him a line one of these days.


We had a pretty cold Winter. It is so for me anyway. You see, I was born in Zapotlán, province of Jalisco, Mexico, a place which enjoys perfect climate even if it is almost 8,000 feet above sea level, at the foot of the Volcan Colima, (one of the peaks which A.C. explored while in Mexico) so that this climate here in San Francisco is a bit too damp and too cold for me even after some forty years of residency. I am sure someone like you, who is used to those severe German Winters, would find it rather pleasant here even in one of our coldest days. Not so with me. Anyway, I do have some relatives in the beautiful Carmel-Monterey peninsula, a place I like to visit when it gets too cold here.


When are you and S[oro]r. Barbara going to come to America for a Vacation? You would like it.


Please give my Greetings of the Vernal Equinox to those who might remember me. My heartiest fraternal Greetings for you and for S[oro]r. Barbara. Write soon.


Love is the law, love under will.


Fra Theophilos



1—Günther Naber was a member of Hermann Metzger's O.T.O. organization in Switzerland.


