Correspondence from Phyllis Seckler to Gerald Yorke






7674 Jasmine Ct.

Dublin, Calif. 94566



April 5, 1969



Mr. Gerald Yorke

Forthampton Ct.

Gloucester, England.



Dear Mr. Yorke,


Thank you for your letter of March 20. Since that time that I last wrote you, several things have happened.


I got in touch with Mildred Burlingame and last weekend she spent 2 1/2 days with me and we went thoroughly over the matter of stolen A.C. books and MSS.


In fact, your letter of March 20 forced this move on my part as it hit me like a ton of bricks when I read of Regardie's [Israel Regardie] loss. I hope you will understand that I have never met Mr. Regardie and so, not knowing him or of him, I made the mistake of thinking he might know about Sascha's [Sascha Germer] loss of library, etc. Please excuse my blunder but I must needs mention everyone I know of in order to eliminate the true from false.


Mildred, meanwhile, told me she knows Israel Regardie and clued me in on various events. Some of Mildred's O.T.O. rituals and books were taken by a Jean [B], Mildred is quite sure, as only those books Jean B. did not have were taken. Jean B. was a student of Ray Burlingame for about 10 years. She was in England in Winter of 1965 and one month after her return in Jan 1966, Mildred's rituals were taken by a person who would have to have a key to her place. Jean B. was the only other person who would have a key. In Oct. of same year, after M. had had all locks changed, a nailed down window was forced open and M's books were taken.


Mildred has contacted Regardie about this event and the latter reports a very secret group working in L.A.


If this is so, I do not know of them and I hope they do not know of me as I broke off all So. Calif. contacts years ago in order to be able to say to Karl [Karl Germer] and Sascha honestly that I had not contacted any of them. Also, I had inner warnings about it all. It seems my intuition was correct.


Yes, Sascha also wrote to me immediately after the theft (a night letter first) that my [X] [daughter] had been one of the thieves. I was in hopes that you had a different name. Of course [X] was not there, as I explained before; also her husband was with her on that day and a friend saw them near home. I have asked [X] to get a notarized statement to this fact.


Curiously enough, Sascha had every reason to know what [X] looked like as we had spent 2 days with Sascha and Karl in West Point. Sascha practically admits that the face of the woman working with the thieves did not look like [X]'s face. But she says it was [X] because of the hands! Would you like for me to send you a copy of the letters she sent to me?


Thank you so much for the information of the cards of the Tarot. Has there ever been an estimate of how much it would cost to print them? If so, how much? I can't promise great things right now but things are stirring here and if we are lucky we may be able to tackle certain publishing chores. It is now 65 years since Liber AL was written and I am sure things are about to happen. Meanwhile, I am doing everything I can to push matters along.


Yes, I shall do all in my power to care for the Jane Wolfe materials and will certainly send you a carbon of the typescript on my book when it is well enough along to do this.


Dr. Montenegro [Gabriel Montenegro] was a student here of Roy Leffingwell but Mildred's talk with me has taken him out of my mind entirely in regards to the thievery that has been going on.


I am pinning my hopes on Mr. Regardie being able to unmask the bunch responsible.


Thank you again for your kind cooperation.


Very sincerely yours,


Phyllis Wade


