Correspondence from Jean Sihvonen to Grady McMurtry
32500 Hinkley Rd., Rte 1 Barstow, CA 92311
June 9, 1969
Dear Grady:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Received your long letter and was glad to hear from you. I had no idea you were returning to California and was happy to hear that you are here. . . .
Regarding your visit—I would certainly like to see you—all of you folks. However, I cannot sleep you as my Mother is with me. . . .
I don't know what your plans are, but under the circumstances perhaps it would be better if you made your visit to Barstow after your Mexico visit. . . .
When you come, please don't mention my living with Max [Max Schneider]. T. and I decided that the past is past and we don't allow it to come into the present. Refer to him as a teacher, which he was. T. knows of course about my being married to Ero [Ero Schivonen] because he worked with him at the Center. He knows nothing of Aleister Ataturk. I have not told my husband a lot of things. I am introducing him to Thelema eventually. He is very interested in searching for truth but he is not familiar with the Occult, Magick, etc. He is a wonderful person . . .
Frankly, I am not interest in being connected with the establishment of an organization at the present time. I spent many years with Max, Ero and A. A. [Aleister Ataturk], and much of the time under the aura of the OTO and all its complications. I want to work under the A. A. and not the O.T.O. right now. I don't want T. involved in an outer order at this time. I am sure you can understand. You had your period away from it and so did P. [Phyllis Seckler]. I may be interested later.
Re the thefts—it is certainly a mystery and to what end? I know all about Mildred's [Mildred Burlingame] case but didn't know about Sascha's [Sascha Germer]. It sounds fantastic. Her accusation of P.'s daughter is ridiculous. I wonder if she didn't contact P. to take suspicion off herself? Did she call the police? She could have sold all the material and made it look like some else stole it. . . .
Reea [Reea Leffingwell] has been in contact with Regardie [Israel Regardie]—could she have sent the anonymous letter? . . .
Yes, Max made A. C.'s ring. I don't recall whether Max designed it or whether A. C. sent him a design, or whether Max particularly designed it. . .
Love is the law, love under will,
My best wishes, always,