Correspondence from Gabriel Montenegro to Grady McMurtry





P.O. Box 76

Daly City, Calif.



1 July, 1969



Dear Grady:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


After so many years, it was good to hear you are again in this area. Last night, while I was sound asleep after being on the go all day, I heard from Mildred [Mildred Burlingame] via the telephone and was given your mailing address; and it is within the bonds of fraternity of the Order, that I write to you these few lines, primarily to ask a favor of you. Mildred wrote to me about a month ago telling me about your visit to her place in Mount Shasta and about your hopes to get Thelema on the move. On 8 June she wrote again stating she would be in this area during the latter part of the month and would get in touch with me in order that she and I get together for a long and fraternal interview. Our meeting, for reasons beyond my control did not take place; I did my part, and no doubt she did also. During our phone conversation of last night, I did not quite understand whether she would remain in the area for a while, or return to Mount Shasta within a few days as soon as her car was repaired. In any event, I was left with the impression that she is in financial need, and since I do not know where to reach her, I wonder if you would do me the favor of seeing that she gets the enclosure; it isn't much, but it might help her in some way.


In one of my last letters to Mildred, I expressed my desire to meet with you for an exchange of impressions with the good of the Order in mind, and in the hope that I could perhaps be of service somehow. Now, I realize that if you were to start or head a Thelemic movement and needed my help, you would so inform me; nevertheless, so great is my desire to see that justice is done to the Order and to The Master Therion, that I thought it proper to take the initiative. These years since I last saw you have not been wasted, and I have learned many lessons and gained much experience; no doubt it has been the same with you. For now, I shall limit myself in stating that I know what is taking place in the world regarding Thelema and the Order, adding that now is the time to set things aright. Regarding the literary works of the Master Therion, wish to say the following: A small deluxe edition of The Book of Thoth which will sell for $50.00 per volume is coming out in New York, it should be out in August or September. 777 was just reproduced by an outfit in Chico, California; Jerry Kaye, who published sometime last year a cheap clandestine reproduction of The Book of the Law, is coming out with another edition; also his own version of the Tarot Cards, and as I understand it, proposes more publications, this fellow is either in Los Angeles or North Hollywood; a 25 page introduction to Therion's "AHA" is soon to be reproduced from another source also. You see, the new off-set printing process makes the business of reproducing rather easy. Anyway, all this goes on while we, the true heirs to the O.T.O. and the Holy Order of AA remain silent and buried in the past.


Please excuse having extended myself so much.


Love is the law, love under will.


Sincerely and Fraternally,




