Correspondence from Grady McMurtry to Detective Sergeant Henry C. Hayes




P.O. Box 2043

Dublin, Calif 94566



May 23, 1971



Detective Sergeant Henry C. Hayes

Riverside County Sheriff's Office

260 N. Spring Street

Blythe, California



Dear Sgt. Hayes,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


In mine of May 21 '71 forwarding the 21 page xerox "A PLEA FOR RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE" I requested that you send a copy to Lt. Grammer of the Calaveras County Sheriff's Office. I would now like to request that you also send a copy to Dr. Francis I Regardie [Israel Regardie]


4332 Coldwater Canyon Ave

Studio City, Calif 91604,


along with a copy of the 2 page Jim Hungerford letter you have also received from the Brayton gang. Dr. Regardie has a close interest in this case since this was one of the libraries stolen by the Braytons, per Joe Goslin and other testimony.


 I know that you have a budget, all government agencies do, but in so far as you can comply with this request I would certainly appreciate it.


Love is the law, love under will.


Grady L. McMurtry

Ordo Templi Orientis



