Correspondence from Marcelo Motta to James Wasserman






July 10, 1976



As I stated in my previous letter, I do not think that either Helen Parsons Smith [Helen Parsons] or Grady McMurtry EVER had a Charter from Germer [Karl Germer], and I do not think the Germer EVER acknowledged Grady's ridiculous claims to a Caliphate or whatever. Also, I am now convinced that they all participated in, and profited indirectly from, the robbery at Headquarters. Further, being Mrs. Germer's [Sascha Germer] next door neighbors, so to speak, and obligated towards her in every way possible, they allowed the woman to starve to death. Now, like the vultures of Phyllis' first letters to me (!...), they are gathering over the remains.


The situation is very simple, here. I have two letters from Mrs. Germer (you have copies of them both, I trust) textually affirming that I have a Patent from Mr. Germer, dating of 1962, e.v. (some months before his death). I also have a letter from her stating that in his death bed He found time to confirm his trust in me by stating that I was "the Follower", whatever He may have meant by it.


I will accept as CO-HEIR in the Thelemic Library anybody can fulfill these two inalienable points:


1. Show letter from Mr. Germer acknowledging him or her Head of an O.T.O. Lodge AND letters from him, in the six months prior to his demease [sic], proving that the person was still considered in good standing with him.


2. Show letters from Mrs. Germer, after Mr. Germer's death, proving that she considered them as Brethren of the O.T.O. in good standing with Mr. Germer.


[ . . . ]


I want you to go to West Point and retain a local lawyer to defend my rights, Mr. Germer's rights, and Mrs. Germer's rights. A local lawyer is best in a small town—he will be trusted. Ask anybody for money that you can—Weiser, if he will help as he says, or K.N.—if you need it for expenses.


IF anybody else can prove himself or herself on the points I stated above, they can have my share of any rare books, or value of them: I demand only xeroxes OF ALL PAPERS AND UNPRINTED DOCUMENTS in the Library. These should be sent to K.N.'s custody, with the understanding that they belong to me (IN WRITING, PLEASE!).


If no one else can satisfy the local authorities on this point, I claim the entire Library, and equally I want it sent to K.N.'s headquarters provisorily.


Now, re the Swiss Metzger [Hermann Metzger]: You read Mr. Germer's letters to me about that man. If he can present letters written to him by Mr. Germer, six months prior to Mr. Germer's death, acknowledging him as a friend and ally, I will recognize him as a CO-HEIR, or if he can present letters written to him by Mrs. Germer in the first three months following Mr. Germer's death containing instructions from Mr. Germer, in his death-bed, I will recognize him as CO-HEIR. Not otherwise.


But even if I am compelled to recognize him as a co-heir from a purely legal point of view, I do not recognize his magickal right to represent THELEMA or the O.T.O. in any way. I hope I make myself clear.


Also, hence forth, I do not recognize the right of Helen Parsons Smith to speak in Name of O.T.O. I never, of course, recognized the right of Phyllis McMurtry to do so, but I now add that I do not recognize the right of Phyllis McMurtry to speak in name of the AA either.


As for Grady McMurtry, I shall wait until such time as he be willing to speak for himself, if he can, to decide one way or another.


[ . . . ]


Try to keep your mental balance. You are going to go against people with years of experience at establishing psychological dominance over untrained auras. Keep up your Banishings and Invocations, for this war.


Understand, I want no conciliation whatsoever. Those people must not be allowed to get anything that they can't prove clearly that they have a legitimate right to get, and I WANT THE LIBRARY or, failing this, I WANT COPIES OF ALL UNPUBLISHED MATTER.


As you know, I have a list of the printed contents of the Library here, that Mr. Germer ordered me to make when I was there, and of which he ordered me to keep a copy. If you need this, ask for it.


I am sending this letter care of Mr. Weiser, against the possibility that you may already be in California when it reached the U.S.A.


