Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




11 Manor Place.



[Undated: circa June 1937 - early 1938]



C[are] F[rater]




I agree with practically everything that Sanderson says when he says of affairs. (Incidentally, he ought to have raised hell about the Act of Treason—see the last 6 lines of the long paragraph on p. 8. Prophetic, in detail!)


But I think his theories either wrong or ill stated. E.g. "race" There is such a thing, but it does not depend on continuous breeding in a class. Everybody has a stray "noble" ancestor or so; and therefore any child may be a throwback to such an one. More generally, his principles appear too nebulous. I find no logical process from axioms. And to put a theory over you must be able to command universal assent. It is useless to have a religion on a soul when Buddhists deny that there is any such thing.


I wish you would put these points to S.[anderson] and arrange a quiet evening for discussion.


About my proposed work.


1. Commentary on AL


2. Yi King


3. 777


4. Tarot [The Book of Thoth]


I think 3 and 4 are more or less on their feet, but you ought to put your shoulder to the wheel about 1 and/or 2. I should welcome your collaboration, esp[ecially] about 2; I need some other mind to tabulate my data.


I'm keeping lunch free Thursday, so that if you can manage, we might talk over possibilities. And I'll hope for news of you. Will ring about 9.30 Thursday a.m.


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