Ethel Archer Diary Entry

Tuesday, 4 June 1912



Astral journey. Rather curious. Had a lot of trouble to get away but very little to get ‘out of myself’. E. G. [Eugene John Wieland] was enveloped in golden smoke, then was surrounded by a glowing red mist which burnt as a furnace: then saw odd pictures, viz—‘a man seated at a table leaning his head on his hands, dressed in a brown costume, Jacobean or Cromwellian,’ then a looking glass flashed at the end of a long room, etc. etc. Finally I was at the head of a staircase facing east, where was an open window. Doing ‘the enterer’ I projected myself with great force and shot like an arrow from a bow far out of the window and across a beautiful country. Very green it was, with many trees and meadows but no hills. I came to a wall, it was perpendicular and built of reddish looking bricks: with some difficulty I rose upwards and presently arrived at the top. There was a species of tablet let into it. Somewhat like a coat of arms. It was very distinct and I tried to understand it, it may have been some strange language, but my present memory makes it something like this


[small drawing, not copied]


The squares were black and white and there was a species of fleur de lys. I stayed a long while trying to decipher it and then realising that I ought not to remain stationary I rose above the wall. Apparently it surrounded a city which was enveloped in a dark grey shadow. A hill loomed through the darkness and dimly silhouetted at its base were two black calvary crosses, a third was in the center at its summit, the three forming a triangle. As I looked the cross which formed the apex of the triangle seemed to come downwards and the others to go upwards, so that it formed some symbol but I couldn’t be quite sure.


At the foot of the hill were many white stones some with inscriptions and I realised that it was the cemetery and remembered Golgatha.


I returned to earth and came to a room where were Bunco [Eugene John Wieland] and Rosher [Charles Rosher] and a man named Mueller. I tried to explain the coat of arms I had seen on the wall and Rosher said he knew it well, but where had I seen it. I told him. The rest was muddled and I woke feeling very tired.


