Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 9 March 1902
Went to Sex Temple and some others in Kasmir
Visited Sri Swami Syayam Prakashanand Maithila who promised to show me a Yogi on the following day.
I think in Calcutta most of the time.
Fidelis [Elaine Simpson], [illegible] T.B.B. E.B.C. and a large family of kids.
The "taken in adultery" dream much elaborated. Also other. Explain to W. why I was in bed with F. on Alice lines. But I had begun to f[uc]k.
On Sunday I went to the Ganges to see the Ghats, and I also inspected the "Sex Temple," which after all compares unfavourable with the more finished productions of the late Mr. Leonard Smithers. The Temple of Kali, was, however, very interesting. Three months earlier I should certainly have sacrificed a goat (in default of a child), and I suppose by this time I may consider myself a pretty confirmed Buddhist, with merely a metaphysical hankering after the consoling delusions of Vedanta.
I however visited no less a person than Sri Swama Swayan Prakashan Raithila, a Maharaja who has become Saunyasi. After some conversation, he promised me that if I would return the next day he would show me a Yogi. He made a curious prophecy on the spiritual plane which was in a certain sense fulfilled without the torturing language which he used too much; but the prophecy which he made on the physical plane went somewhat astray.