Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 11 March 1902



After long sleep remember [dreams from the previous day] 'Twas of going to a school where Chas. Samuel was master; of recovering 20 of combats to keep this, of flight and of London (I think this was a second dream.)


Did little all day.


1. The religion poems. Also mater's were to be published with two of E.A. Poe's on same subject in my mythical London Villa—a preaching hoax &c.


2. Bank holiday. Went inspecting something: girl totally evading me. I did nought. When I wrote above in pencil at 2.30 a.m.) I knew Villa was dream, but I thought poems real.


Paid Bearer to date.





The next day I was entirely lazy.


[Vanity Fair - 3 March 1909]