Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Rex de Arte Regia

Saturday, 21 November 1914


Opus[1] VII



If there be any truth in Astrology, surely the moment of the Birth of the Elixir[2] should determine its career. Therefore let me invariably erect a figure genethliacal for the Λογος or Semen[3] at the moment of its creation from the elements that compose it.



Florence Galy. in type: about 28-30. Keen on the whole. Lowest type of prostitute. Dark mulatto, very negroid in type. (Now 15 Dec. in prison for theft.)


Object: ‘Lord S[haitan] that art M[aster] of the G[ods], let A G [Aimée Gouraud] be my W[oman] S[carlet]’ as I have several times tried before with partially good results.


The Operation though slight was technically very near perfection. I have to admit that like VI it was suggested by favourable circumstances in the afternoon. But I really cannot carry scientific scruple to the point of refusing to take at the flood any tide in my affairs. Although this record is that of an investigator, and it is hoped that the results may be of value to my most holy Colleagues, the allied Kings of the Nations of the Earth, and to my children, the thrice holy, thrice illuminated and thrice illustrious Initiates of the Sanctuary of the Gnosis, yet it is also that of a Magus bent on the accomplishment of a Work; and the details of that achievement in their event and policy should prove as instructive as an arid, though more rigid, sceptical demonstration. I wish further to add that I see no reason to suppose that the Elixir is miraculous in the sense that sceptics would like it to be taken.


I think that this Operation merely moulds circumstance already fluid, combines existing elements in one way rather than another, just as an orator finding an excitable crowd, moved them as he will. No. I will deal with the possible and even probable, in the strength of, and to the glory of, the Most High, cui sit semper benedictio in nomine ΦΑΛΛΟΥ.[4]



Result: Very good, 24 Nov., but 26 Nov. apparently slipped back. 15 Dec. I do seem to have progressed a little. I call this doubtful.


28 Jan., 1916 E.V. Failed.



1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]

2—[The semen.]

3—[Crowley here identifies the Logos or Sacred Word with the semen.]

4—[‘On whom may be always blessing in the name of the Phallus.’]



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