Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Rex de Arte Regia Monday, 23 November 1914
Opus[1] VIII
Object: Immediate money. (Interpreted as from an unexpected source before Sunday; a wish contrary to all probability.)
The Operation was good as to concentration, mediocre orgiastically. Also the sense of sacramentalism was not strong.
Result: (I am abstaining most carefully from any act that might result naturally in my getting money.)
25 Nov. A letter came saying £800 was being found for me. But does this count?
1 Dec. Not a cent! Yet I seem to be swimming in gold. I have a flat, and bought £150 furniture etc., etc. And Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones] from Vancouver sends twelve people to take the III O.T.O.
6 Dec. $15 between me and the work’us. And I owe $200.
15 Dec. True, but I did get credits.
I shall call this doubtful.
1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]