Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Rex de Arte Regia Tuesday, 1 December 1914
Opus[1] XI
10.45 p.m. approx. Same as VIII.
Object: 'Magnetism', i.e. that concentration and radiation of magical force which draws men after one.
The Operation was lacking in orgiastic quality, but good as to sacramentalism and concentration. Latter very good; the mind faltered once only. Quality of Elixir:?
Result: A bad night followed. I used the time packing, and quite without thinking began to read Du Potet's Magnetism (Yarker) which I have had three years and never read.
4 Dec. This appears to have worked the wrong way round. Everything that depended on that went wrong. But I see signs of change this a.m.
6 Dec. I was complimented tonight at dinner on my excess of this power by Aimée Gouraud, Ernest Simmons and Mitchell Kennerly.
13 Dec. I regard this as having been a thoroughly bad operation, owing to lack of proper όργια. The 'calm mind' is no good at all for Magick.
1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]