Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Rex de Arte Regia Sunday, 21 February 1915
Opus[1] XXXV
6.35 a.m. Weather fine and frosty. Dawn light.
T.H.T.I.T.I. [Thrice Holy Thrice Illuminated Thrice Illustrious] Soror Leila Waddell IX° O.T.O., Grand Secretary General for Ireland, Iona and all the Britains.
Object: as I.
The Operation was as good as an early morning operation ever is. The Elixir was not very plentiful or was mostly absorbed in the cucurbit. Quality concentrated and good in all respects. I had, however, had a very tiring day and so had the T.H.T.I.T.I. Soror.
Result: I cannot say that I have seen any marked result (March 4).
5 March. Curiously enough, the very first opportunity this Operation had to work, it worked on one, Mrs. O. R. Drey. Also on Doris Gomez, the same day.
1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]