Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Rex de Arte Regia Thursday, 4 March 1915
Opus[1] XXXVI
2.55 p.m. All very good and best for unexpected happenings.
Object: Amnydpwaw, i.e. a mantra-like word meaning All my New York debts paid within a week.
The Operation was as excellent as usual with this assistant, though not so super-excellent as Opus XXXIV. The same applies to the Elixir. The Will to concentrate was weak, equal to the orgasm but no more.
4 June: 'A new way to pay old debts!!'
Note. I think the mental feeling at the moment of orgasm must be a Samadhi between the Object and the Orgasm. As long as the two are separate, the Prana which acts as an incarnating Ego on the 'Child'[2] is not duly formulated.
1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.] 2—[The result or offspring of the opus.]