Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 6 September 1916
Beginning “The Stone of Cybele.”
In these months of loneliness those women only attract whom I have half-finished: Anny Ringler, Myriam Deroxe, Doris Gomez. To keep a woman forever, get thoroughly excited, then quit.
11:30. An experiment with ether has been in progress. I have just seen (!!!!!!!!) the difference between the Holy Guardian Angel of Abramelin and such “material” visions, and all interior illumination whatever. The former gives proof to the man as man of a celestial hierarchy; it relieves him of his main fear—materialism itself. Hence mysticism is no good to convince people—in comparison with magick, You must argue with the man you arguing with; mysticism is like making him drunk.
11:50. I now see why the Buddha said: “Don’t fight error; preach the Good Law!” Too much error to fight! Dissipating energies! Even Christianity is hardly worth fighting; so many atheists are shocked if one does! Therefore: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. and nothing else.
5:00. I find ether has a curious effect apparently on the solar plexus; hard to describe. It seems almost as if it were a nervous spasm of sorts, in a very mild way.