Golden Book Entry circa 1917
The Rolls of the O.T.O.
Contained in the Golden Book
1. Roll of the Mystic Temple of the Illustrious Order of Knights Templar Kadosch and of the Dame Companions of the Holy Grael.—VI° O.T.O.
Sir Theodor Reuss. Sir Saint Edward Aleister Crowley. Sir James Thomas Windram. Sir Leon Engers Kennedy. Sir John Daniel Reelfs. Dr. Sir Edward Frosini. Dr. Sir H. Breitling. Sir M. McB. Thomson. Sir Arturo Reghini. Sir George MacNie Cowie. Sir Richard John Adams. Lady Laylah Ida Narissa Bathurst Waddell [Leila Waddell]. Lady Anna Wright.
2. Roll call of the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Masonry, Prince Patriarch Grand Conservators of the Rite of Memphis. Absolute Grand Patriarchs of the Rite of Mizraim—VI° O.T.O.
To this exalted degree all the members listed above save Hammond, Yardley, and Adams rose. Of the Dame Companions only Laylah Waddell made the grade.
3. Reuss, Crowley, Windram, and Laylah Waddell were the sole members of the VIII° and IX° degrees; respectively the "Secret Areopagus of the Illuminati VIII° O.T.O.", and "Sanctuary of the Gnosis IX° O.T.O.".
The Tenth degree was purely administrative. The three Summi Reges had the following jurisdictions:
Theodor Reuss (O.H.O. [Outer Head of the Order]) Germany (Merlin). Saint Edward Aleister Crowley British Islands—Ireland, Iona, and all the Britains. (Baphomet). James Thomas Windram South Africa (Semper Paratus).