Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Amalantrah Working

Sunday, 20 January 1918



Key to dramatis personae:


Aleister Crowley is T. or Therion, or 666. He is represented by Amalantrah in the temple of the seeress' vision.


Roddie Minor, or Eve is Soror Achitha (variously spelled Ahita, Achita, Ahitha), or 555. She is the egg or altar in the temple.


Marie Lavroff or Röhling is Soror Olun, or 156, and is the Tree in the temple.


Mrs Elsa Lincke is Soror Bazedon and possibly 444, being the Lion in the temple.


Charles Stansfeld Jones is Frater Arcteon, O.I.V.V.I.O., Nemo and 777. He is the Child in the temple.


Amalantrah the Wizard is 729 and represents 666 or A.C. in the temple.



About 3.00 a.m.




I asked the wizard for a message. A large red 'A' appeared and an eagle came through it and flew away through the woods and over some meadows close to the ground. The eagle disappeared and a red Indian was running like the wind. (Very beautiful as a picture.)


4.00 p.m.


T[herion] and I [Roddie Minor] entered the astral plane. I draped in a diaphanous virile yellow green, he in a brilliant red with gold braid. In one hand he had a sceptre and a ring on the other. We went through the ceiling and up about 900 feet in the air and looked up and saw an eye in the clouds. We went to the place of the eye and saw a platform-like building. There were many doors with signs of various sorts on them, such as the Swastika etc., etc. We went to a distant door at the end of the corridor on which there was no sign. A dwarf stood to the right and a girl to the left of the door. I asked the dwarf where the door led to. He did not answer but showed a column with a blazing top. I asked the woman and she said "Heaven." Interpreted, it meant where we wanted to go. I opened the door easily and saw a corridor in darkness. We passed through and saw light outside at the end door. A sheep was just inside the door. (Also sheep down on the ground below.) We went outside and looked down a few hundred feet upon a beautiful pastoral scene and some villages. We dropped down to this scene. A beautiful lady came. She was blonde and dressed in creamy white. I asked her her name and she answered "Eve." This seemed wrong for her to say. I asked her where we were to go to. She said "France." I asked about the message and after some time she lay upon the ground with her head toward us and waved her hand, which looked like the fins of a fish, toward a village. We all went there. On the way a man who looked like a Greek philosopher walked a little behind us as if he were in a shadow. He had a staff and was in Greek costume.


When we came to the village which was called Pantruel, we saw a church in front of which was a square in which there was a cone- shaped fountain. The fountain was made of metal and water spurting from each petal of the cone. Later the fountain showed that it was also flaming. The dwarf was now with us and we asked him who was the fountain keeper. The fountain opened and the king (of last week's vision) came out with some papers in his hand. One of the papers was a topographical map of South America. The others were legal papers, deeds, etc., etc. I asked about the message and he kept looking at the papers, and finally told us to go to the wizard. We went down by the stream and across it into the woods where the wizard and the child were. They both looked a little lonely. I asked his name and he told me Amalantrah. I asked who I was and he said "Part of the Tao." I asked for the message and he put me off in all sorts of ways with small visions. Once he said, "Go," which I took to me an to go to some place. Later he said "Egypt." He did not seem very friendly toward me and seemed worried at times.


I asked how to spell Bafometh [Baphomet] and a man like the Gods of the Mountains answered my questions about this. Finally I was told B-a-f-o-m-e-t-h. I begged for more information about the message but got none. Many questions were asked about the letters of the spelling as to whether they were Hebrew etc., etc. They were Hebrew.


I then said Good Bye, noting the boy's beautiful dark eyes, and we went away by a little path to the pool of the spring. We bathed in this and then sank through the bottom and came out directly over Manhattan. We came back into our bodies.


Much later I asked for the king's name and was told Eosophon. Later I was told that the boy was named Augustus Fioncharo.


