Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 25 January 1918
Key to dramatis personae:
Aleister Crowley is T. or Therion, or 666. He is represented by Amalantrah in the temple of the seeress' vision.
Roddie Minor, or Eve is Soror Achitha (variously spelled Ahita, Achita, Ahitha), or 555. She is the egg or altar in the temple.
Marie Lavroff or Röhling is Soror Olun, or 156, and is the Tree in the temple.
Mrs Elsa Lincke is Soror Bazedon and possibly 444, being the Lion in the temple.
Charles Stansfeld Jones is Frater Arcteon, O.I.V.V.I.O., Nemo and 777. He is the Child in the temple.
Amalantrah the Wizard is 729 and represents 666 or A.C. in the temple.
W.T.L.O.O.D. The wizard showed me a large green god with many arms, sitting in a doorway. Name on doorway in strange letters was "Gate of Abdullah". I entered this doorway. Inside was an oasis; a well with many Arabs about. The name of the place was Oseika in Marrakesh. A tall Moor, Athanan, talked to me. He was showing as were they all. His favorite animal was one I could not name. It came out of some water where it had been drinking. Was grey zebra-like (Unicorn). Athanan said his name added to 74 (Or is this his grade?)
Q[uestion]: What is my true number?
A[chitha]: 103. (Note: Anan = 102: q.v. Very interesting.) Her magical name in his language was Ahita ("417. Olive. Noah's Ark."). (Note: 103 plus 1 = Tzaddi the link. 417 plus 1 = 418. The 1 is of course the phallus.)
He was not a living man, but represented a white man named Haman. (107, angel ruling Leo.) He would carry on certain work.
666: How?
A[chitha]: A Moor's hand with a ring, many stones of different colors, arranged like flowers in the form of a cross of equal arms. (666) will prosper in work and be very happy.
Q[uestion]: How would this come about?
A[chitha]: Through a certain person. (O.I.V.V.I.O.) A tall man with light moustache (European) on edge of picture had something to do with it.
Q[uestion]: When do we get definite action on the material plane?
A[chitha]: Before next solstice.
Q[uestion]: Does someone (666) have to take action or sit tight?
A[chitha]: Both. This certain one must use his brains to plan things.
Q[uestion]: Tell me if B.C. (Annie Besant) will live long in her present body?
A[chitha]: Yes.
Q[uestion]: Is a political campaign among existing occult societies with a view to unification under 666 a good plan?
A[chitha]: Yes.
Q[uestion]: Should T[herion] approach X? (Bert Reece.)
A[chitha]: A white lotus appears. Yes.
Q[uestion]: Should T[herion] approach another person? (Ada Leverson.)
A[chitha]: No.
Q[uestion]: Should he approach (Bjerregard)?
A[chitha]: Yes.
Q[uestion]: Is there anyone else to approach?
A[chitha]: Some woman. (Alma, mind thought.) She was stout, large breasts, 40; married, no children; dark chestnut hair; pretty skin; fairly good looking; possibly a singer or musician; smiling rich; moderately well- educated American: her name was Elsie Gray Parker. (Could this be a shot at E.G.P. for Aegipan?) Wizard says Woodstock adds to 84.
Q[uestion]: How should T[herion] act to find Elsie G[ray] P[arker] ?
No answer. Wizard now looks like an enormous god, Sphinx head, stalwart, bearded-Assyrian god type. Abdometh is his god name. (463, the Middle Pillar and Almond Rod. Equals Servant of the Dragon or of Mithras (?) or of the Tables, i.e. of Thoth.) He is sceptered with a kind of battle axe and a knob-kerry in the other hand. He stood against a great dark mountain behind which the sun was rising. The light and effect was one of the most beautiful pictures I ever saw.
Q[uestion]: Where is Elsie G[ray] P[arker] ?
A[chitha]: In an hotel or private house on 5th Ave. or near. 666 knew some friend of hers.
Q[uestion]: Is she a friend of A.G. [Aimée Gouraud] ?
A[chitha]: Yes.
Q[uestion]: When may T[herion] expect fulfilment of Liber Legis Cap. III, verse 31?
A[chitha]: September.
Q[uestion]: What year?
A[chitha]: 1918. This was doubtful.
Q[uestion]: What nationality is the man referred to in that verse?
A[chitha]: Austrian.
Q[uestion]: Where does he live now?
A[chitha]: By a well of concrete: trees around it. In U.S.A. (Nebraska?)
Q[uestion]: What business is he in?
A[chitha]: Man of leisure.