Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Amalantrah Working

Sunday, 3 February 1918



Key to dramatis personae:

Aleister Crowley is T. or Therion, or 666. He is represented by Amalantrah in the temple of the seeress' vision.


Roddie Minor, or Eve is Soror Achitha (variously spelled Ahita, Achita, Ahitha), or 555. She is the egg or altar in the temple.


Marie Lavroff or Röhling is Soror Olun, or 156, and is the Tree in the temple.


Mrs Elsa Lincke is Soror Bazedon and possibly 444, being the Lion in the temple.


Charles Stansfeld Jones is Frater Arcteon, O.I.V.V.I.O., Nemo and 777. He is the Child in the temple.


Amalantrah the Wizard is 729 and represents 666 or A.C. in the temple.



Next day continued.

After a talk on the Qabalah it occurred to T[herion] to ask for a Moslem word to match the 93 series.


A star of six points comes from a cloud. The star is attached to a projection of clay thrust like a phallus from the cloud. The star disappears: a round green wheel takes its place. All disappears.


Arcteon (? ) Two very old women going to door of wizard's room. A council room where he gives things to the Aeons. Like messages or instructions, or words of wisdom. The word Abrahadaba. Ram appears in the room; also a shadow of a fish and a peculiar colored fowl (chicken-like with the fore part taken away) which represents the sign of the Zodiac, Aries. Ram now stands on the cloud. (777 gives ram equals 44) A pair of open shears broken. A crowned Jesus looking up suffering. (That is lamb = V.O.)


Wizard throws a vision of party of people. One transparent fat woman. Her body shows through her clothes. A butterfly with wings of pine cones in a bowl.


The star reappears and becomes an eye. Then a cross on a key-ring. Then a key. Three Ethiopians in strong poses Malachas, Thelmachus, Argenon.


Arcteon comes back. (Amth = truth.) How many letters has Arcteon?


A[chitha]:  Star reappears, gold on a winged base. Both of us were very cross and almost stopped in a quarrel.


Q[uestion]:  How many letters has Arcteon?


A[chitha]:  Seven. It turns out to add to 360. (A R K Teth I Ayin N = 360.)


Q[uestion]:  Who is Arcteon?


A[chitha]:  Alameda. (I did not know this word.) His function is to preach the law.


Q[uestion]:  Is he a living man?


A[chitha]:  Yes, as one lives in the hearts of men. Wizard laughs.


Q[uestion]:  Is he born yet?


A[chitha]:  (A lot of sex symbols appear.) No.


T[herion] asked if I could see him. A gorilla appears but is not he. There is a stable by which there is a chair for 360. 360 has a hoary black head, rather caveman like, unkempt. Jewish looking, but not a Jew. Not German.


Wizard looks far away from me spiritually. On shelf (Pylon) where egg is a flaming lamp appears. Over the lamp is a peculiar light. In this light there is a peculiar large-headed, particularly large-eyed small bird. Also there is some strange kind of material like drapery in folds. It is somewhat like metal made into decorative objects like ornamented mirrors etc. etc. and finally like convolutions in the egg.


I see the wizard walking through desert on hot sands. He is not walking straight along. He is intense. Carrying on some work. I saw an oasis and the dog-like Japanese face, and the lower part of the stall in the stable. I ask the wizard if he had anything to say to us. He pays no attention to me and reaches the oasis. I leave him here.


I see the king at the fountain at Pantruel. I ask his function. He does not answer because he is modest and simple. He is in ordinary clothes and has a red mark on right side under arm and along chest. I see the child and ask its name. He does not tell me. He turns into many children as I watch him. These children have a goat or a dog and play around. The old name of Fionchella (?) does not fit child. He says "Rex Pan." When I ask if he belongs to wizard or king. Pan has something to do with the name.


I see the egg on the pylon. I ask who the egg belongs to. No answer. I call the wizard back from the oasis. The wizard shows me a hen laying an egg and says "Whose egg is this?" I ask him what his opinion is of us. He respects T[herion], but pays little attention to me. This part about little attention to me is false in me. I have to readjust myself back to a true attitude towards the wizard. He now shows me a mirror. I have on a travelling hat. T[herion] in a robe in a hotel room. This means something about a home. We are to go to Egypt for the key. The key might be in center of egg when it is broken. It is a small golden key.


Q[uestion]:  I ask the function of the Monkey Officer.


A[chitha]:  To operate through the abstract law of Obsession.


Q[uestion]:  I ask if I am in the series of 156.


A[chitha]:  Yes.


Q[uestion]:  My number?


A[chitha]:  4.


Q[uestion]:  My name?


A[chitha]:  None.


Q[uestion]:  My number?


A[chitha]:  184. (We worked out number 184.)


Q[uestion]:  Will the work of the 9th degree be better carried out by one than two?


A[chitha]:  Two.


Q[uestion]:  Is it better to work in a circle or vesica?


A[chitha]:  Circle.


Q[uestion]:  Have you any criticism of T[herion]'s present method?


A[chitha]:  More strength and punch needed.


Q[uestion]:  Does T[herion] fail more in solve or in coagula


A[chitha]:  Coagula.


Q[uestion]:  Can any improvements be suggested?


A[chitha]:  Be more stern and comprehensive.


Q[uestion]:  Is there any special dodge about the preparation of the tincture?


A[chitha]:  Must be clear drop by drop.


Q[uestion]:  Is talismanic theory approximately correct?


A[chitha]:  Yes.


Q[uestion]:  Is it necessary in material workings to make any link beyond that made by will?


A[chitha]:  No.


Q[uestion]:  Is the general formula of 'The Paris Working' an ideally good one?


A[chitha]:  Yes, only not quite bold enough.


Q[uestion]:  Is the use of Mantras or hymns very advantageous?


A[chitha]:  Yes.


Q[uestion]:  Should T[herion] disclose the contents of the book Agape [Liber Agape Azoth sal Philosophorum] to the person in his mind at present?


A[chitha]:  Yes.


Q[uestion]:  Is the method of drawing 10 from 400 by 80 a good one?


A[chitha]:  Yes, except the length of the levers.


Q[uestion]:  Does the eagle play an important part?


A[chitha]:  Yes.


Q[uestion]:  Has T[herion] been making the substance of the talisman satisfactorily?


A[chitha]:  It is too weak or too thin.


I see vision of an elephant with howdah in which there is a man with black moustache black eyes, has mahout. It appears just back of the wizard who has for some time had three bodies around him. They stand so that one is to the right in front of him and the others to the left one in front of the other.


Q[uestion]:  Is the trouble with the talisman one of technical skill or an original trouble?


A[chitha]:  Original.


Q[uestion]:  Can this be remedied?


A[chitha]:  Use proper leaven of life: begin as an early child. I see a vision of a child in an old fashioned crib being rocked.


Q[uestion]:  Is T[herion]'s theory of Levanah based on certain alchemical considerations approximately correct?


A[chitha]:  Yes.


