Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 12 February 1918
Key to dramatis personae: Aleister Crowley is T. or Therion, or 666. He is represented by Amalantrah in the temple of the seeress' vision.
Roddie Minor, or Eve is Soror Achitha (variously spelled Ahita, Achita, Ahitha), or 555. She is the egg or altar in the temple.
Marie Lavroff or Röhling is Soror Olun, or 156, and is the Tree in the temple.
Mrs Elsa Lincke is Soror Bazedon and possibly 444, being the Lion in the temple.
Charles Stansfeld Jones is Frater Arcteon, O.I.V.V.I.O., Nemo and 777. He is the Child in the temple.
Amalantrah the Wizard is 729 and represents 666 or A.C. in the temple.
With Mrs Elsa Lincke. After dinner. I see the wizard standing up. The egg is there; the child is sitting under a tree with the roots showing where the rain has washed the dirt away. The lion, the turtle and the mountain path are all there. Also the remains of the charred fire sticks where I built the first fire with the wizard. I greet the wizard. Salam Aleikum. He lifts his left hand and drops pearls or jewels from his fingers. He says "Amaranthus."
Q[uestion]: What is the connection with Amaranthus?
A[chitha]: I see a ship going South, loaded with Oriental things—teak wood—. I see a gold-fish washed upon the shore of the sea. Amaranthus seems to mean something holy—Holy Light. I see something about a lotus.
Q[uestion]: Is T[herion] going to do any great work at the altar we are going to set up in Egypt whence we are going to find that egg?
A[chitha]: The wizard's function with me is to get the truth. He knows the truth for me and is a guide to me. He expects me to go to Egypt to get the egg. He expects T[herion] to go. T[herion]'s work is some great work.
Q[uestion]: What is the magical name of Mrs L?
A[chitha]: Barzedon. (Seven, secret, put away, hiding place, shining light, for rising sun. T.) I see a great white cloud upon which there is a glow which turns into a ram's head. There is a frog on the ground. The w[izard] says, From the toad much is to be learned. The toad is the symbol for Barzedon.
Q[uestion]: When Barzedon is in danger is she to visualise the toad?
A[chitha]: No. It is a more general symbol.
Q[uestion]: Is it expedient to start to find the egg and when should we start?
A[chitha]: The egg is a work which must be done—the great work. By doing the work we get to the key.
Q[uestion]: Is it the same vision as in the Virakam [Mary d'Este Sturges] vision?
A[chitha]: The work must go on and there must be an altar, created in Egypt—starting in Egypt. I see the Arab, the one that was at the well some time ago. He will be at one of the corners of the altar. The king is there.
Q[uestion]: Who is the king?
A[chitha]: I see O.I.V.V.I.O. T[herion] is the High Priest.
Q[uestion]: Who is the High Priestess?
A[chitha]: I see a tall rather beautiful woman, i.e. her face had a beautiful expression. She has dark hair. (P.S.: Might well be 31-666-31 [Leah Hirsig]) T[herion] knows his work, his special work and this is only the means of doing it, like speaking of the cosmos, but the egg is the special work.
Q[uestion]: What special work has Barzedon to do?
A[chitha]: I see the toad again. Her work is something like a mother's; shielding. There is always a golden light, giving a glow.
Q[uestion]: W.B.T.S.I.T.W.? (Will Barzedon then sit in the West?) (This means will she stay in U.S.?)
A[chitha]: I see growing grain and a fox among it. There are baskets of corn, an eagle, and an egg on the ground near the corn. The eagle watches the egg.
Q[uestion]: Who is the eagle?
A[chitha]: I see the path and something forming out of indefinite material like in the egg of the first vision. The eagle is in the sky on the other side of the w[izard]. I see the crook again. 21.
Q[uestion]: When are we to go to Egypt?
A[chitha]: I see two queer animals—rats as big as horses drawing a chariot at a great pace. I see T[herion] standing surrounded by four knights who are pressed close to his body. There is a wonderful expression on T[herion]'s face. An expression of consecration to some great work.
Q[uestion]: W.J.T.O.B.T.R.T.T.S.[T.]J.? (Would June 21 be the right time to start the journey?)
A[chitha]: I see a horse's head. The w[izard] holds out his hand forming a rabbit's head. There is an object in the w.—4 shells forming a square cross—Something like scallop shells.
Q[uestion]: Would the w. be pleased to take B[arzedon] on the astral plane now?
A[chitha]: Yes.