Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 24 February 1918
Key to dramatis personae: Aleister Crowley is T. or Therion, or 666. He is represented by Amalantrah in the temple of the seeress' vision.
Roddie Minor, or Eve is Soror Achitha (variously spelled Ahita, Achita, Ahitha), or 555. She is the egg or altar in the temple.
Marie Lavroff or Röhling is Soror Olun, or 156, and is the Tree in the temple.
Mrs Elsa Lincke is Soror Bazedon and possibly 444, being the Lion in the temple.
Charles Stansfeld Jones is Frater Arcteon, O.I.V.V.I.O., Nemo and 777. He is the Child in the temple.
Amalantrah the Wizard is 729 and represents 666 or A.C. in the temple.
W.T.L.O.O.D. As I approach the wizard he beckons me to go up the mountain path with him. I stay at the woodland place to ask him questions. After I ask the first question, he again points to the path.
I now see Barzedon with a parcel in her lap. The parcel is something like an object in wooden splints wrapped in paper. There are the pink and plump feet of a baby sticking out. The baby is alive: its name is Eperqv (? 388; the hardest rock; to seek diligently; table; bread. 4 = 97.) In some way a clerk in a store is connected with this. On his left there is a ledger on which is written Good.
T[herion]: Who is the mother of this child?
A[chitha]: I see a horn of plenty (Demeter)—the wheels of an aeroplane—The w[izard] says "Much."
T[herion]: Who is the father?
A[chitha]: I see a skeleton of a buggy. "Bay—Bane—Bale." These all seem to mean some word, probably beginning with 'b'. Bale seems to suggest bales of hay. I also see a daisy and then a stream. (Daisy = Sol, obviously.)
T[herion]: What is the number for the Mother?
A[chitha]: 63 or 639. (Briah. Tree of knowledge.)
T[herion]: What is the number for the father?
A[chitha]: 483 or 487. (483 is bearer of iniquity. 3 x 161 the exalted man.)
T: What is the number for (Eperqv)?
A[chitha]: 437. (Balm; balsam tree. 19 x 23.)
T: Is the baby a girl or a boy?
A[chitha]: I see a young man's head with very dark hair. All of these above questions about the numbers and whether E[perqv] is a girl or a boy were asked without the words being said. That is, the answer was asked to the question that was in T[herion]'s mind.
Q[uestion]: Give me the true magical name of D.T.? (Dorothy Troxel.)
A[chitha]: Wesrun. This is a Druid word? The letters can be used as Hebrew. (627 = 209 x 3: 33 x 19.) (Good.)
Q[uestion]: What is her number?
A[chitha]: 817. (19 x 43 = Hazel.)
Q[uestion]: Is this the person in T[herion]'s vision in N[ew] H[ampshire] ?
A[chitha]: Yes. (She was a 'hazel' girl. T.)
Now I am wandering up the mountain path with the w[izard]. We are a little way up. He looks like an Arab, has on a white turban. I have on a brown cotton crepe dress. He is stopped and is standing in the main path while I am to one side on the beginning of a large level place on the mountain side. Some distance away and further out on the level space is a dark haired young man. Both the young man's head and my back are turned this way. The w. is almost facing this way. I see a confused sculptural group or figure on top of which there is a brilliant red four petalled flower. The ends of the petals droop down which gives it a cross-like appearance. The w. looks at me with a kind of admiration and sympathy or friendliness. An animal like a fox (really a chamois, I believe) comes from around the mountain towards me. There is a small snake at my feet. Now the place where I am standing is isolated with 20—25 feet between us and the rest of the mountain. A sort of crevice is all around me. I ask the w. what it means and see ripe corn. Now I see myself with green corn in my lap preparing it for cooking. This means that I am at Nepta. A. admired me because I was climbing up seeking truth. This stopping on the way is a sort of being side tracked in what Nepta would be. That is I would stop and bask in the sunlight of sensual pleasures or emotional enjoyment of such a life. (I do not like this thought. It makes me think of what it would mean in sacrificing real work.) As I keep looking at myself on this isolated spot, I am sometimes all alone as at first, and then there are many people and many confused things all around me. A. explains that my going to E[gypt] in face of objections and obstacles is represented by my being alone. It is then that he admires me. The confused mass of things and the people around me are the remnants of illusions etc., etc., I have not yet broken clear of. I ask A. if he has a message for T[herion]. We come down from the mountain to the woods. I see a fruit packing house, a bin for tomatoes, some straw in the bin and an egg in the straw. "T[herion] must work for the egg."
T[herion]: Are there any definite orders for the week?
A[chitha]: I see T[herion] in his office, also with a flower in his coat. He is rather happy. He is at his desk. There are many letters. One to D.[orothy] T.[roxel]. I also see 2 books which were mailed.
[9.30 p.m.] T[herion] asks A. to spell Therion which he does.
[P.S.: A letter was received from Palak, in Paterson, about the number of Therion adding to 666.] [This letter must have been written about the hour of T[herion]'s question.]
T[herion]: Does Egypt mean the (geographical country or the mystic expression?) (Asked without words.)
A[chitha]: Utter darkness appears. A man with a beast's head, something like a dog with a bird's beak for a nose. It is a hawk's head. I see a snake or scorpion. A nebula. Now there are many tiny chains at the feet of 729, coming from this nebula. Now an open door in a hut. A white cloth hangs on it. By this a tall palm, but its top is like a fir tree. A slender animal, somewhat like a calf is near A. In the air A. holds a small doll rather Japanese in appearance. This suggests Rodin's 'Hand of God'. The doll has a cap on as if ready to go out. I see the egg and the eagle. The back of A.'s chair is shaped as a triangle, rather queer; almost as if the triangle were a solid.
T[herion] is very enraged and expresses his anger which completely destroys all communications. Later we try to ask more questions but it all seems to be of no use.