Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 9 March 1918
Key to dramatis personae: Aleister Crowley is T. or Therion, or 666. He is represented by Amalantrah in the temple of the seeress' vision.
Roddie Minor, or Eve is Soror Achitha (variously spelled Ahita, Achita, Ahitha), or 555. She is the egg or altar in the temple.
Marie Lavroff or Röhling is Soror Olun, or 156, and is the Tree in the temple.
Mrs Elsa Lincke is Soror Bazedon and possibly 444, being the Lion in the temple.
Charles Stansfeld Jones is Frater Arcteon, O.I.V.V.I.O., Nemo and 777. He is the Child in the temple.
Amalantrah the Wizard is 729 and represents 666 or A.C. in the temple.
W. Anh. L. [With Anhalonium Lewinii].
9.50 Began with Anh[alonium] L[ewinii] (complete failure).
10.40 Climax of operation for Belial.
I see 729 with a large mushroom held on his shoulder as if it were an umbrella. He said we should work for success in making money. Now there is the head of a little bird and a rabbit. There is a large clump of palmettoes with ripe fruit; a railroad trestle across a stream and a mad dog drinking in the stream. There are tadpoles in the stream. Along the roadside there are many tiny frogs and some being run over by a wagon wheel. No 827. (I am sure this was 837 q.v.n.)
T[herion]: Don't know it, try again.
A[chitha]: 73.
I suggest Belial as Demon of Hod, ( . . . commence) and he agrees; so we begot him.
There is a covered wagon suggesting a turkey. Two bars are crossed upright. Someone is sending a bar about 4 by 1 1/2 feet from above. This keeps me from seeing Belial. Fire is issuing from under the bar suggesting the form of a brush. Note: Wizard's good Qabalah.
1. Success in making money.
2. 73. Belial = Day-Demon of 2nd decan Aquarius The lord of earned success and is of Mercury in Aquarius, which is making money, not merely receiving it. He is also Demon King of Hod.
3. Aquarius is on the Nadir at this ( . . . ) or nearby. (N.B. put up figure.) Note too: Anh. Lew. is a mercurial drug.