Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Amalantrah Working

Saturday, 23 March 1918



Key to dramatis personae:

Aleister Crowley is T. or Therion, or 666. He is represented by Amalantrah in the temple of the seeress' vision.


Roddie Minor, or Eve is Soror Achitha (variously spelled Ahita, Achita, Ahitha), or 555. She is the egg or altar in the temple.


Marie Lavroff or Röhling is Soror Olun, or 156, and is the Tree in the temple.


Mrs Elsa Lincke is Soror Bazedon and possibly 444, being the Lion in the temple.


Charles Stansfeld Jones is Frater Arcteon, O.I.V.V.I.O., Nemo and 777. He is the Child in the temple.


Amalantrah the Wizard is 729 and represents 666 or A.C. in the temple.



11.20 p.m.

T[herion]'s pride rebuked. Alta tiera means Old Female Wild Beast.



729 looks majestic, his beard longer and whiter: very sad but stronger. He's older.


Temple as last Sunday. Olun has bird as before: her temple of Nuith is in the distance. Something queer—pig on ground moving about.


T[herion]:  Give symbols for last week's work. Was it good?


729: Yes. VI in Taro. (He's not smiling.) With the Tao.


(VI interpreted as in [Liber] 418 [The Vision and the Voice].)


T[herion]:  What will be the effect of this Work on (1) Therion, (2) Achitha, (3) Olun?


A[chitha]:  64. ( = 8 squared Mercury.) 81. ( = 9 squared Luna) 36. ( = 6 squared Sol.)


(Sol, Luna, Mercury. B.G.R. = 205. (G.B.L.) Gabriel.)


T[herion]:  Give Tarot card for O[lun]'s future life.


A[chitha]:  VI. (The Emperor. Aries.)


T[herion]:  Advise present action with regard to Therion.


A[chitha]:  684. ( = 18 = Pisces.) (She's in doubt.) 583. ( = 16 = Mars.) (activity.) 673. ( = 16 = Mars.) (activity.)


A[chitha]:  ( Pisces, Mars, Mars = 180 = a spring; front part. Moral: she should advance.)


A[chitha]:  7 of Swords. (Unstable effort. Quite right: her present action.)


T[herion]:  Her future action, then?


A[chitha]:  3 Wands. ( = Established strength. Sol in Aries.)


T[herion]:  How will this become possible?


A[chitha]:  To slay or kill. (A[chitha] gets these words without connection.) 865. ( = 19 = Sol.)


Spanish moss hanging from trees: humming-birds' nests in moss. A hawk. Snake in tree. Child building play-house in tree—it's an oak. He has short stick. Tall pine with cones near. A farm plot around this. Moss burns up. Nests ditto and fall to the ground. Snake leaves tree. Hawk looks on. Child sees snake but plays with it happily. Oak only slightly burnt. Pine struck by lightning.


T[herion]:  Give me a number to express all this.


A[chitha]:  43. (Great; rejoice; make faint, Challah; hazel, almond.)


T[herion]:  What is next week's work?


A[chitha]:  765. ( = 18 = Pisces.) XV. (9 of Cups. Material Happiness. Jupiter in Pisces.)


T[herion]:  Message?


A[chitha]:  Write.


T[herion]:  What?


A[chitha]:  Something to do with Levi.


T[herion]:  Show symbol to guide Ahitha in her trouble.


A[chitha]:  Symbol of Venus.


T[herion]:  Confirm this.


A[chitha]:  Angula polyporus—white, undeveloped and gelatinous—it soon bursts and deflouresces into a Winged Beetle.


T[herion]:  Confirm by number.


A[chitha]:  173. (Lighten mine eyes; 3rd decan Aquarius = 7 Swords = unstable effort.)


T[herion]:  Tarot card for same?


A[chitha]:  8 of Cups. ( = abandoned success.)


T[herion]:  How will my business affairs go?


A[chitha]:  An ear of corn.


T[herion]:  Number to confirm?


A[chitha]:  XVII. ( = The Star.)


T[herion]:  Pure number?


A[chitha]:  761. ( = XIV = Temperance.) (Don't understand.) 79. (Boaz and Jachin etc.)


T[herion]:  Will O.I.V.V.I.O. be able to join me soon?


A[chitha]:  No. (P.S.: This is the one point incorrect.)


