Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Amalantrah Working

Monday, 1 April 1918



Key to dramatis personae:

Aleister Crowley is T. or Therion, or 666. He is represented by Amalantrah in the temple of the seeress' vision.


Roddie Minor, or Eve is Soror Achitha (variously spelled Ahita, Achita, Ahitha), or 555. She is the egg or altar in the temple.


Marie Lavroff or Röhling is Soror Olun, or 156, and is the Tree in the temple.


Mrs Elsa Lincke is Soror Bazedon and possibly 444, being the Lion in the temple.


Charles Stansfeld Jones is Frater Arcteon, O.I.V.V.I.O., Nemo and 777. He is the Child in the temple.


Amalantrah the Wizard is 729 and represents 666 or A.C. in the temple.



11.20 p.m.

T[herion]:  How are things?


A[chitha]:  Face serious. Dragon is there in front of Wizard. Bazedon has peculiar smile on face. Arcteon is there, standing by the Dragon, much in front, between fire and Wizard and Dragon.


T[herion]:  Does 786 refer to Oikos Kainos or the other?


A[chitha]:  Teth, Samech, Ayin. (139. Hiddekel.)


T[herion]:  Should the inhabitants be 21?


A[chitha]:  Tarot card 9 of Swords.


T[herion]:  Should there be 26?


A[chitha]:  5 of Cups.


T[herion]:  D.N.E.E.O.E.? (Should Bazedon be there to live?)


A[chitha]:  Write out a scroll. Nun, Ayin


T[herion]:  L.Y.P.? (Will Lazenby [Charles Lazenby] help?)


A[chitha]:  Nunnally—173. (Lighten mine eyes.)


T[herion]:  By which of twelve Houses of Heaven can result be effected?


A[chitha]:  4th House.


T[herion]:  What is the plain Tarot card re method?


A[chitha]:  7 of Swords. (Luna in Aquarius. Journey by land.)


T[herion]:  Is Musclow the rich man from the west mentioned in Liber L[egis]. ?


A[chitha]:  A lot of writing. WOMOPOGON.


T[herion]:  Can he explain that word in any way?


A[chitha]:  (b)


T[herion]:  Give symbol for person referred to by M.


A[chitha]:  Aquarius.


T[herion]:  Give pure number for his nature.


A[chitha]:  163.


T[herion]:  Can you see a picture about this man?


A[chitha]:  I see either a turtle standing up, or a vulture, eagle, or bird of some sort: back turned.


T[herion]:  Can you see the man himself, where is he and in what circumstances?


A[chitha]:  Short man with light moustache, ruddy complexion between Dragon and fire.


T[herion]:  His physical condition at present, what is he doing at this moment?


A[chitha]:  Sitting at a table smoking a pipe in restaurant.


T[herion]:  Name of restaurant?


A[chitha]:  Kosher.


T[herion]:  (to Achitha.) Do you feel answers are satisfactory?


A[chitha]:  No idea.


T[herion]:  Can you get a more definite answer to first question (re Musclow)?


A[chitha]:  No.


T[herion]:  Has Musclow found any mineral gold?


A[chitha]:  Calla Lily handed to Wizard by child.


T[herion]:  Get Tarot card or number.


A[chitha]:  83.


