Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 14 April 1918
Key to dramatis personae: Aleister Crowley is T. or Therion, or 666. He is represented by Amalantrah in the temple of the seeress' vision.
Roddie Minor, or Eve is Soror Achitha (variously spelled Ahita, Achita, Ahitha), or 555. She is the egg or altar in the temple.
Marie Lavroff or Röhling is Soror Olun, or 156, and is the Tree in the temple.
Mrs Elsa Lincke is Soror Bazedon and possibly 444, being the Lion in the temple.
Charles Stansfeld Jones is Frater Arcteon, O.I.V.V.I.O., Nemo and 777. He is the Child in the temple.
Amalantrah the Wizard is 729 and represents 666 or A.C. in the temple.
T[herion]: What is Wizard like?
A[chitha]: Just as he was last night.
T[herion]: Has he any particular message to give us as a start?
A[chitha]: 82. (The angel
A[rcteon]: D.A.O.O.L.Y.? (Should Ach[ita] go to Hospital to-day?)
A[chitha]: 9 Pantacles. (The lord of material gain.)
A[rcteon]: S.T.L.T.N.S.A.L.B.? (Is it well that Therion takes a material job?)
A[chitha]: XVIII. (= Moon = illusion.)
T[herion]: We want an elucidation of this answer.
A[chitha]: Tzaddi Qoph Pe = 270. Again doubtful.
T[herion]: What is the Wizard's plan in the matter. Get vision.
A[chitha]: Rat and snake on ground in front of Wizard—a small stake on ground and beetles around. A large golden moon sailing on water—Very beautiful—Many little fancy boats around it sailing to a far distant place. In moon head of a beast appears. See baby killed and washed on shore. Woman comes down and picks baby up—evidently not the mother—She is sorry and suffers.
T[herion]: Can you get a yes or no to this?
A[chitha]: Yes. See birds flying forming a beautiful figure as they fly. Also a rising ( . . . ) at which the Wizard is looking—This is all according to his plan. He says "Plan to get all I can" . . . "The sun, the moon, the stars to play with." Potatoes in a field.
T[herion]: S.I.S.W.O.M.R.M.? (Shall I seek work outside my regular magick?) (I shall take beautiful visions as yes. Ugly ones as no.)
A[chitha]: Blue bird turned loose to fly—thru deep dark woods with large beech trees—a big bull snorting—very magnificent! Wonderful!! Mountain with many stones ready to roll down if disturbed. Bird and bull beautiful . . . Water—bottom of water nest with eggs—beautiful bird flies down from sky and into water and sits on eggs. Tall snow capped mountain and trains climbing around winding track to top. Fine! Fields of very fine ripe tomatoes growing . . . A horse killed . . . rushing torrents of water . . . Beautiful summer cottages—some empty, some full . . . Beautiful water in the distance with ducks on it. A boat and hunters in it. I think it was magnificent. Blue bird for happiness.
A[chitha] says Wizard let loose blue bird for happiness—Bull for strength and virility.
T[herion]: What does horse being killed mean?
A[chitha]: Sex being killed. Water = enlarged sexuality. Ducks, I don't know . . . Cottages—home.
T[herion]: Give a single pure number to symbolise the whole vision.
A[chitha]: 83. ( = The chief thing is consecration = 7 of Pantacles.) 2 of Pantacles. (Harmonius change.)
T[herion]: Get two words, one to be a picture of doing the thing; one to be a picture of not doing it.
A[chitha]: 1. Elbaroth. (Aleph-Lamed-Beth-Resh-Ayin-Tau Tree of knowledge.)
A[chitha]: 2. Alestone. (Aleph-Lamed-Samekh-Tau-Ayin-Nun-Ayin Fear of the Lord of the Law.)
T[herion]: Now get Tarot card for doing it and another for not doing it.
A[chitha]: 1. 7 of Cups. (Illusionary [sic] success.)
A[chitha]: 2. 8 of Pantacles. (Skill, prudence, cunning.)
T[herion]: How does he seem about this? Does he seem insistent?
A[chitha]: Do with all thy might and let no man turn thee aside.
T[herion]: Do what?
A[chitha]: What thy hand findeth to do. Work to fill the store house. Accomplish thy will.
T[herion]: Get picture of store house.
A[chitha]: A busy factory.
T[herion]: What sort of factory?
A[chitha]: Machines for printing.
T[herion]: For printing what?
A[chitha]: Illuminated words and everyday words.
T[herion]: Shall we all move outside limits of city to reside?
A[chitha]: 74. (Apparently means yes but Arcteon does not think so.)
A[chitha]: 7 of Wands. (Lord of valour, means not a bad plan, but very hard to manage it.)
T[herion]: Hebrew letter.
A[chitha]: Daleth.
T[herion]: S.I.B.S.I.I.A.f.W.O.N.? (Shall I be successful if I apply for work on a newspaper?) A picture to represent the thing.
A[chitha]: Col. river rushing down thru canyon. Horse on prairie fighting cold wind. Hut and dead man in it. Lake with fish in it. Lots of stakes and things tied to them. A lizard or alligator. Wizard has a scalpel in his hand. Is going to dissect an earthworm or something.
T[herion]: Let me have a number.
A[chitha]: 371. ( = snowstorm.)