Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 21 April 1918
Key to dramatis personae: Aleister Crowley is T. or Therion, or 666. He is represented by Amalantrah in the temple of the seeress' vision.
Roddie Minor, or Eve is Soror Achitha (variously spelled Ahita, Achita, Ahitha), or 555. She is the egg or altar in the temple.
Marie Lavroff or Röhling is Soror Olun, or 156, and is the Tree in the temple.
Mrs Elsa Lincke is Soror Bazedon and possibly 444, being the Lion in the temple.
Charles Stansfeld Jones is Frater Arcteon, O.I.V.V.I.O., Nemo and 777. He is the Child in the temple.
Amalantrah the Wizard is 729 and represents 666 or A.C. in the temple.
9.20 [a.m.] Arcteon was ill during the night. Achita slept and Therion had the following vision which he dictated to Arcteon at 9.20.
Critical glyphs, I saw how these are arranged. When any idea arises it is recorded automatically in every department of the mind. Each department immediately sends in a report as to how it is effected by the idea, but of course only those reports which are loud make themselves heard in the consciousness. I got a clear idea of the spider's web structure of the mind. The ahamkara appeared to me like a crystal, four hexagonal columns joined to the base (maybe octagonal, am not sure). And brought to a blunt point, each point occupying one of the angles of a tetrahedron which may explain the pyramid-phallus symbol. This glowed more or less brightly as each idea was recorded, rather like a tell-tale electric-light which registers a current passing thru a machine and gauges it. This crystal bulged or shrank to a certain extent from time to time but never lost the tetrahedral form. The colour of the light was that peculiar gold which jewellers call a rose finish. I am now reminded of the jewel of Mara. This glow is very closely connected with pleasure and pain. I got away from this by understanding it as a mere ganglion or node of the web and did several mystic stunts.
Achita with Wizard. (Same subject as last night.)
Th[erion]: How many months ago?
A[chita]: Aleph Resh Vau. (207 = a scorpion.) ( T[herion]: Might mean October.)
Th[erion]: To Achita a question. Do you regard Achitha as yourself or as a visit to a friend? Some argument follows!!!!!
Th[erion]: I want you to answer some questions regarding this portion of yourself you call Achita. What nationality is she?
A[chita]: All or any, but more heavily dashed with European.
Th[erion]: What country mostly?
A[chita]: I think Austria, Serbia or Bulgaria, none bound.
Th[erion]: What language or languages does she prefer to speak?
A[chita]: English or French.
Th[erion]: Could she understand or speak French?
A[chita]: Yes.
Th[erion]: Can you talk in French?
A[chita]: No. She could understand other languages, but my brain is limited, I could not even repeat the words.
Th[erion]: The woman is like a donkey, "You dangle a carrot in front of her nose and she goes wherever the carrot goes."
A[chita]: She is not a Lesbian.
Th[erion]: Has she any relations?
A[chita]: None.
Th[erion]: How do you explain her appearance in your consciousness?
A[chita]: Born of magic and Our Lady. Our Lady was the door through which magic put her in.
Th[erion]: What did she die of before she was born?
A[chita]: I cannot answer. I have no understanding of that at all.
Arcteon: Do you consider it possible to remain Achita all the time and not return to Roddie Minor?
A[chita]: In a way yes and in a way no. Roddie Minor is only earth and works and lives. Achita is a spirit. Achita is one function, one thing among many in Roddie Minor. Back to the Wizard.
Th[erion]: Is there anything to do before collecting the 'dead sphinx'? A lot of smoke boiling up from in front of the Wizard clears away. Two sticks charred as if fire had been there. Drop by drop—I get again—clear crystal drops and 163 as a number.
Th[erion]: This seems to mean pour drop by drop into a vessel. Should we use the vessel as we have been using to collect it?
A[chita]: XVII Trump. (Means part poured on earth and part restored to temple.)
Th[erion]: With regard to the part to be consumed, is any further preparation necessary?
A[chita]: 71.
Th[erion]: Am I right in taking that to mean nothing?
A[chita]: I think you are.
Th[erion]: Then we now have the whole process complete and perfect?
A[chita]: Yes.
Th[erion]: Alright.
Th[erion]: Is Anna Wright alive?
A[chita]: I see a gondola or Greek galley—very small.
Th[erion]: Who or what is in the boat?
A[chita]: 14 Slaves work below. Beautiful Queen sits in state.
Th[erion]: Is there anything in front of her?
A[chita]: Yes, a pile of something, it might be fruit or a flagon of wine.
Th[erion]: Give a number to represent that picture.
A[chita]: 83. (Answer: Doubtful.)
Th[erion]: Give Tarot Trump.
A[chita]: XI. (Again not clear.) Wizard says "Stem the tide."
Th[erion]: In reference to what is that?
A[chita]: ( . . . )
Th[erion]: S.A.T.F.E.R.R.A.E.N.E.? (Is Achitha part of Roddie Minor or a separate human intelligence?)
A[chita]: 43. (The sex self.) XIV. ( = i.) (arrow through rainbow = self shooting up through ecstacy or orgasm.)
12.50 noon T[herion]: Is Mrs Agnes Thomas likely to be of any use in any capacity. If so in what capacity?
A[chitha]: 118. ( = To pass, renew, change; To ferment; Strength; Chassan; Ruler of Air; The High Priest.)
T[herion]: What Sign of the Zodiac?
A[chitha]: Aries.
T[herion]: What planet?
A[chitha]: Mars.
T[herion]: Which House of Heaven does she fit?
A[chitha]: 4th House.
T[herion]: What Court Card of Tarot represents her?
A[chitha]: Princess of Wands.
T[herion]: What plain card?
A[chitha]: Six of Pantacles.
T[herion]: Tarot Trump?
A[chitha]: IV. ( = Emperor = Aries.)
T[herion]: Give a Chinese Symbol for her relation to us.
A[chitha]: [I Ching Hexagram XXVI] Great accumulation.
T[herion]: Has this woman an ordinary magical relation, or a Wizard magical relation?
A[chitha]: 518. ('S[epher] S[ephiroth]' gives no correspondence.) ( = 37 x 14 = Magical Self in its function with card Temperance.)
T[herion]: Do you see her in the Temple?
A[chitha]: No.
8.25 p.m. Wizard is just the same.
T[herion]: What are our financial prospects for next week?
A[chitha]: 151. (A fountain of living waters.)
T[herion]: Give plain Tarot Card.
A[chitha]: 7 of Swords.
T[herion]: Shall we have any serious embarrassment for the rest of the month?
A[chitha]: 79. (Boaz etc.)
T[herion]: Give symbol for financial position.
A[chitha]: Resh Teth Qoph.
T[herion]: Give another symbol for how it is to come.
A[chitha]: 83. (Drops of dew, flowing, wave, camel and 2 of Pantacles.)
T[herion]: Does that mean re Camel that Achitha has to find the money?
A[chitha]: XVI. Alligator head, round back part of neck a band of thick material, iron or leather. I see teeth of the alligator. Sticking up out of the band is a very queer 4 spoked thing, not a regular spear, more of a whale hook—of bronze.
T[herion]: Why cannot we get satisfactory answers re questions of money?
A[chitha]: Wand, wander.[1] [See Note Below] 162. Gimel Vau Zain. ( = like = to, spelt backwards.)
T[herion]: Give us a better meaning. Shall we bar subject in future, or shall we seek to clarify it? (1) Shall we bar the subject?
A[chitha]: Op[eratio]n for Red Gold is good for something but not for what you think. Good to clear something up.
Achitha has great difficulty in getting anything at all tonight.
T[herion] asks her to make a great effort to get the matter cleared up.
A[chitha]: VIII. (This is answer to question re Op[eratio]n for Red Gold.)
T[herion]: Are we to consult the Wizard about money, or cut it out? Show this in symbol.
A[chitha]: 121212.
T[herion]: What is the right policy in regard to asking advice about money?
A[chitha]: 222221.
T[herion]: Is there anything wrong with Therion's mental attitude toward the subject?
A[chitha]: Shin.
T[herion]: Ask if Achitha's attitude about money is right?
A[chitha]: 43.
T[herion]: What is Arcteon's attitude about this?
A[chitha]: 136.
T[herion]: What about our combined attitude in reference to consulting him?
A[chitha]: 178.
T[herion]: Will he then tell us, are we dull or inaccurate in our interpretation of his answers, or stupid in questioning? (1) Are we stupid in questioning?
A[chitha]: [I Ching Hexagram XXII] = ornament, free will. ( . . . ) of Manner = Dullness of Mind.
T[herion]: Will he teach us to question with intelligence?
A[chitha]: [I Ching
T[herion]: Will he teach us now?
A[chitha]: [I Ching
T[herion]: The questions where difficulty occurs are chiefly those re money and females.
A[chitha]: It is because Achitha has not overcome these in herself.
T[herion]: We think that either Achitha or T[herion] or Ahankam is ( . . .) the operation. Is that so?
A[chitha]: T[herion]:[I Ching
T[herion]: Is the selfishness either of Achitha or T[herion]?
A[chitha]: ( . . . ) of Pantacles. (probably means Yes.)
Arcteon: Is the fault with Z (Achitha) Is the fault with X (Therion)
A[chitha]: Jupiter.
Arcteon: Is the attitude of Z correct?
A[chitha]: 94. (There is something not given off which spoils the attitude.)
Arcteon: Is the attitude of X correct?
A[chitha]: 89. Shut up, body, silence. 97 Swords. (A certain trouble from incapacity to regard the problem as a whole.)
Arcteon: W.D.S.Y.E.D.? (How should Therion's incapacity be corrected?)
Arcteon: H.S.A.I.B.C.? (How should Achitha's incapacity be corrected?)
A[chitha]: Qoph Yod Teth Mem. (Surpassing whiteness, point.)
Arcteon: A.T.I.I.A.W.P.? (Are Therion's interpretations in any way prejudiced?)
A[chitha]: 21. (T[herion] says get another symbol.)
Arcteon: Get plain Tarot card.
A[chitha]: Nine of Cups. = Material happiness, complete success. (Rose coloured spectacles.)
Arcteon: H.W.A.S.M.D.T.C.? (Have we any serious money difficulties to confront?)
A[chitha]: 117 = Fog, darkness, guide, Duke.
Arcteon: W.M.O.G.S.W.S.? (What manner of Guide shall we seek?)
A[chitha]: XVI. Peh = Lightning flash breaking in the house of our darkness.
Arcteon: H.M.A.M.S.E.C.T.K.T.H.G.? (How much a month should each contribute to keep the house going?)
A[chitha]: 75.
Arcteon: How long shall we remain here? Give days, weeks or months.
A[chitha]: 113 = 5 = if weeks, end of May.
Arcteon: S.W.R.H.A.E.O.M.? (Shall we remain here after end of May?)
A[chitha]: Mem Teth Tzaddi Resh Qoph. (439 = No.)
Arcteon: W.T.T.b.C.B.T.D.? (Will the Tetragrammaton be complete by that date?)
A[chitha]: 24. He whom I love. He who loves me. A water pot etc.
T[herion]: T.L.A.O.T.T.? (What will Achitha do about it?)
A[chitha]: Teth Resh Tau. (609 = not clear.)
T[herion]: Give another symbol.
A[chitha]: [I Ching
T[herion]: W.T.C.O.T.T.B.S.O.D.? (Will the completion of the Tetragrammaton bring success or disruption?)
A[chitha]: 42.
T[herion]: Get Chinese symbol.
A[chitha]: [I Ching
T[herion]: L.S.R.E.K.E.E.G.? (Will this mar the Work we are doing?
A[chitha]: 4.
T[herion]: What Chinese symbol?
A[chitha]: [I Ching Hexagram XXIV] Returning visit from friends.
T[herion]: T.D.A.O.T.T.? (What should Achitha do about it?
A[chitha]: 41.
T[herion]: Chinese symbol?
A[chitha]: [I Ching
T[herion]: Give symbol to represent a certain Hebrew letter of which we are thinking (Cheth).
A[chitha]: Capricornus.
T[herion]: What Court card of Tarot?
A[chitha]: Prince of Pantacles.
T[herion]: Give Tarot Trump to represent this letter.
A[chitha]: XIX = The Sun.
T[herion]: Get Hebrew word or name to represent this letter.
A[chitha]: Cheth Ayin Vau Samed = 144. (Means Artemis.)
Arcteon: From what direction shall we expect Cheth ? (Give Chinese symbol of three characters to represent this direction.)
A[chitha]: = North West.
[Q]: ( . . . )
[A]: 134 confirms this. (Bunning.)
[Q]: Picture to confirm?
Achitha sleeping—hell!
NOTE. 1—Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Will = direct, straight line (as arrow) Euclid's straight line or right line is the shortest distance between two points. Thus right actually means right. All wrong is indication by definition—as in wander, wanton, straight, etc. Language itself bears witness to the Law. Wander—wanton—straight-crooked—connexion is Euclid's definition of a straight (right) line. Freudian! Wander suggests to our memorie we read to wander to love.