Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Amalantrah Working

Sunday, 28 April 1918



Key to dramatis personae:

Aleister Crowley is T. or Therion, or 666. He is represented by Amalantrah in the temple of the seeress' vision.


Roddie Minor, or Eve is Soror Achitha (variously spelled Ahita, Achita, Ahitha), or 555. She is the egg or altar in the temple.


Marie Lavroff or Röhling is Soror Olun, or 156, and is the Tree in the temple.


Mrs Elsa Lincke is Soror Bazedon and possibly 444, being the Lion in the temple.


Charles Stansfeld Jones is Frater Arcteon, O.I.V.V.I.O., Nemo and 777. He is the Child in the temple.


Amalantrah the Wizard is 729 and represents 666 or A.C. in the temple.



3.20 a.m.

Sitting still in progress.


T[herion]:  What are our financial prospects for May?


A[chitha]:  Qoph Beth Ayin ( = 172.)


T[herion]:  Give Chinese symbol.


A[chitha]:  [I Ching Hexagram XL]  Seems to be very good figure.


T[herion]:  Is Wizard pleased with Ouija Board experiment?


A[chitha]:  Aleph Resh Nun. (251. Uriel = Magical Force.) (Note = O.I.V. continually got this Uriel through Quja Board . . . . . .)


T[herion]:  Ought we to invoke this angel Uriel?


A[chitha]:  [I Ching Hexagram XXXII of .


T[herion]:  Should we ask Uriel or Wizard to speak at Board?


A[chitha]:  Nun Resh He. (255.)


T[herion]:  Will Wizard direct Uriel to answer messages or will he answer himself?


A[chitha]:  303.


T[herion]:  Was it Wizard talking or Ouija Board when it purported to be?


A[chitha]:  71.


T[herion]:  Get Chinese symbol.


A[chitha]:  [I Ching Hexagram XVIII] of .


10.05 p.m.

Achitha to call on Wizard again re the question of adjustment of any difference in Trigrammaton.


Arcteon:  W.Y.I.T.U.T.C.O.T.S.? (Will you indicate to us the cause of this stoppage?)


A[chitha]:  XVII. XIV.


Arcteon:  H.S.T.B.O.? (How should this be overcome?)


A[chitha]:  74. ( = Lamed.)


T[herion]:  Which Tarot Trump is making the error?


A[chitha]:  The one that has five in it.


T[herion]:  Am I to take it the person indicated might also be indicated by the letter Beth, or not, or give another clear indication of the person referred to?


A[chitha]:  Get T. with some flowers around.


T[herion]:  Give better indication than that, more magical indication.


T[herion]:  Give me two trigrams. or .




T[herion]:  What is the nature of his error?


A[chitha]:  3 of Trumps.


T[herion]:  Confirm by Chinese symbol.


A[chitha]:  [I Ching Hexagram XXXVII of . Household, wifely duty.


T[herion]:  Confirm by pure number.


A[chitha]:  73.


T[herion]:  Is this last answer a good answer for the nature of his error?


A[chitha]:  Yes, that was the correct answer.


T[herion]:  Should he do anything to repair this error, if so what?


A[chitha]:  153. ( = Sum of first 17 numbers and Angel of Libra.)


T[herion]:  What definite action should be taken, if any?


A[chitha]:  89. (Shut up, body, silence, Angel of 9 Swords.)


T[herion]:  Explain further by Chinese symbol.


A[chitha]:  [I Ching Hexagram LIII] of . (Fortunate marriage, gradual advance, goose.)


T[herion]:  What line of that hex[agram] refers to subject more than the other?


A[chitha]:  6. (Geese gradually advance to large heights beyond.)


T[herion]:  Give plain card to symbolize action he should take.


A[chitha]:  5 of Swords.


T[herion]:  Explain in some other way.


A[chitha]:  271. ( = Low, mean, earth. 2 dec[an] of Sagittarius. 9 of Wands. Great Strength.)


T[herion]:  Indicate the person or persons with regard to whom he should act in this matter.


A[chitha]:  Teth Mem Nun Samekh. (159 = not clean.)


T[herion]:  Give Court Card of Tarot.


A[chitha]:  Princess of Pantacles.


T[herion]:  Is that the only person?


A[chitha]:  Yes.


Arcteon:  W.T.D.B.O.D.A.A.O.? (Will the difficulty be overcome definitely and at once?)


A[chitha]:  I. H. S. N. (125, probably indicates yes.)


T[herion]:  In what manner?


A[chitha]:  182. ( = outcry, clamour, layer of snares and passive.)


T[herion]:  Is the action which is to produce the result already begun?


A[chitha]:  [I Ching Hexagram LII] of . (Peace and mountain.)


T[herion]:  Which line is particularly important?


A[chitha]:  3. (Shows the subject keeping his loins at rest and his ribs are separated from body below, perilous situation. Heart glows with suppressed excitement.)


T[herion]:  What Court Card do you give for this?


A[chitha]:  Something with serpent on it. Prince of Cups.


T[herion]:  Could you describe that person physically?


A[chitha]:  No, not tonight.


T[herion]:  Could you give his initials?


A[chitha]:  No. L.B.F. (W)


T[herion]:  Can you find out how soon this action will become apparent to us here?


A[chitha]:  321. (Might be end of July or of present month while Sun in Taurus, or Aug[ust] Virgo.)


