Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 20 June 1920



11.15 a.m. I am really in a very 'stale' state: I suppose it's partly overtraining, and partly because I'm waiting for the New Current. I even suffer from insomnia in the middle of the morning, when I ought to be working. Seriously, I think I expect too much from myself. I seem to reproach myself if I'm not creating day and night.


1.35 p.m. I very much regret to say that frozen rain has put me right almost at once; seems as if I had some need of it, which won't do. However, I'll write the short story I've been thinking out for the last hour.


Note: yesterday I put up Ninette's [Ninette Shumway] horoscope. I don't like its relation with mine, her Saturn on my Sun, her Mars on my Moon, her Herschel on my Mercury. Sounds as if she might destroy my mind, my senses, my life.


10.40 p.m. Finished a fairly short story-the first since last September or earlier) I forget exactly whether I worked on Simon Iff after Montauk—called 'Dedit'. It has the merit of being extremely stern in its morality, and is therefore quite unpublishable in England or in America.


