Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 10 September 1921



Feeling better.


Policy of employment of £300. [I Ching Hexagram] Earth of Water 41 Sun. "Diminishing". 666: Solidifying of the Soul. Thwan: "Sacrifice".


[Line] 1. Use it to reach a K[teis].

[Line] 2. Don't spend it, but use its latent power to help K.

[Line] 3. 3 - 1 = 2   1 plus 1 = 2.

[Line] 4. Alliance with K.

[Line] 5. Receive increase.

[Line] 6. Found a following by method of line 2.


What line to take about theft of our name AA [I Ching Hexagram] 47. Water of Luna. Khwan. "Straightened and distressed." The thieves merely damage themselves; but should be jumped upon if opportunity occurs.


Gen[era]l symbol for my relations with Parker, Garrett & Co. [I Ching Hexagram] 62. The bird again! Good for taking care of details: useless for big things.


What line to take now to recover Boleskine and London property? [I Ching Hexagram] Luna of Water 60 Regulations. Act in strictly legal ways, and be ready to make terms.


Line 1. Don't leave Cefalu.

Line 2. Don't let things slide.

Line 3. Be very careful to comply with legal forms.

Line 4. Don't hurry or worry.

Line 5. Be generous.

Line 6. Don't give way, though threatened.


5.7. Notes for my "Astral Atlas" section of Book 4 Pt III [Magick in Theory and Practice].


